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A conversation with Jackdaws!


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Alfie is actually sitting at the moment, having a conversation with some Jackdaws who are sitting on the roof, calling at her down the chimney. I can only assume they are understanding her because she has completely perfected the lingo in the last couple of days - I'm sure she even has the right accent! Suffice it to say, I can't tell the difference between her and them. Either they understand each other, or the Jackdaws are sitting up there scratching their heads saying " would you listen to this cheeky little mare??!!". It does make you wonder doesn't it?!

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The jackdaws are shouting "mmm, bet she tastes good". Flaming nasty things!!! We've got them here too - I HATE taking Harvey into the garden when they are around - they're awful things! I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. Magpies too - I hate them!


Get that poor bird away from those trouble makers!!!!

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I did try to get some vid, but she tends to clam up when she sees the camera, (or she attacks it). Either way the talking stops, which is what happened today - I'll have it at the ready though for the next time!

Judy, Jackdaws are members of the crow family. I don't find the call particularly annoying (yet!!!), it's still new enough to be a novelty.

Alfie's not in any danger from the Jackdaws Jill - I don't think they would actually fly down the chimney to eat her!

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Well I think all things Corvus get a hard time. I realise they can sometimes be a little.....unsavoury, but you only have to watch a crow defend it's young from a buzzard 3 times it's size to realise how brave and fiercely loyal and protective of family they are. Admirable qualities I think.

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I'm sorry, but it is kind of funny to think of sweet little Ana Grey coming out with a big loud "caw-caw". Last weekend I had Paco down at the bay on his harness, we were sitting on a log on the beach while I had a coffee, and Paco explored the big log. He was a few feet away from me when a great big raven landed on the other end of the log and started to caw at us, I think he wanted some of my bagel. Anyway, Paco sure high-tailed it back to me, running right between my legs before turning around and giving the raven the evil eye! He hasn't started cawing yet, but I know it will be coming.

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