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the most adorable sound in the world...


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Lol Logan, it's not nerdy at all! Well maybe it is but who cares! I know what you mean! I love it too!

A similar thought occurred to me the other day. I have horses, and there's nothing like the sound of a horse thundering over a field to come and see you, or hearing a shod horse clip clop along a country lane - it make my heart sing. Standing in the kitchen last week doing the dishes, I could hear the woosh of Alfies wing beats as she flew through the house looking for me, and it gave me such a thrill! Wooshin wings is now right up there with galloping hooves as one of my favourite sounds! Magic!!

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LOL...I know exactly what you mean. When Issac first arrived, I was loving every little thing he did. I still do take the time to enjoy the little nuances. Here are just a few:


The way his tongue sounds when he is drinking

The 'whoop whoop' sound

Hanging upsidedown

The feel of his feathers against my neck

Head scratches

The soft little feathers on his legs

His tummy

The red tail shakes


...okay...I am not quite sure this list will end so I will stop there :)



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Lol Logan, it's not nerdy at all! Well maybe it is but who cares! I know what you mean! I love it too!

A similar thought occurred to me the other day. I have horses, and there's nothing like the sound of a horse thundering over a field to come and see you, or hearing a shod horse clip clop along a country lane - it make my heart sing. Standing in the kitchen last week doing the dishes, I could hear the woosh of Alfies wing beats as she flew through the house looking for me, and it gave me such a thrill! Wooshin wings is now right up there with galloping hooves as one of my favourite sounds! Magic!!

Ive ridden my entire life, and yes the sound of a horses hooves are an amazing sound..also their smell. I LOVVVVE horse smell. :D

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Bites? Do they bite - I wouldn't know!!! I also love that "woooooh" sound, !

Jill, is that the little sound they make, that makes you think they're dead interested in what you said? It's hard to describe, but stay with me here....

If you said to me, "you won't believe it, but mary has been having an affair with stan, while her ted is in the hospital" And I'd go "oooooooh" like, that's interesting! Is that the sound? Cos Alfie does that all the time and it's the cutest little sound - I've been trying to catch it of vid for ages to ask if every grey does it!

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