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Hi Im Cynthia ,live in Kona hawaii, came across this forum and thought itd be fun to join .I have two greys -one female timneh 5 yrs old named Merryweather whos is quite a character! Talks up a storm and would completley run my life if she had her way ..huge vocabulary and she just has this outgoing somewhat bossy personality :P-ive had her since she was a baby bird.My newest is Boris , hes a male congo grey ,6 years old ,i adopted him only about a week ago and am getting to know him ,he seems to be a much mellower bird ,very sweet,talks and sings and has settled in very well.Look forward to meeting other grey lovers and learning a bunch!

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Hi Cynthiav ~ welcome to our family. Glad you have stumbled across us and can't wait to find out all about you all. We love photos - so if you have any (especially in the glorious sunshine, just for me!) that would be great. Hope you like it here - any questions - ask away ~ or any of your experiences, please share. :)

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Hi Cynthia glad you decided to join the Grey family! How I envy you, living in Hawaii!!! Merryweather and Boris must get oodles of outdoor time. I have a 20 month old Timneh grey, Ana Grey. I look forward to hearing about your little flock and seeing some pictures if you have any to share.

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Hello Cynthia and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you, Merryweather and Boris, interesting names for your greys.


Thats great that you could take in this 6 year old grey, maybe you could tell us the story behind how you came to get him if you don't mind.


You will learn a lot here by reading thru the many threads and we have many knowledgeable members who are willing to share what they know, please ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Thanks for sharing a couple of pics of your greys.

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