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I have a 3 yo CAG whose name is junior. He has been plucking for the past 8 months. I took him to an avian vet who is published in plucking problems, and she diagnosed inflammatory skin disorder. The plucking seemed to get better with atarax. He is on daily supplements from the vet. I had him on haloperidol for a period of time. He gets pelleted food and fresh vegies or fruit every day. He gets human food at dinner. He gets attention in morning and evening, though I am at work during the day. I have a caique which is 2 years old that he gets along with but has a separate cage. He is very bonded to me. He still plucks, and I am convinced the behavior is at least in part behavioral. He gets a bath twice per week. Any ideas on what else I should try? Should I get a second opinion? I dont like to get him poked too much.


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This product is good for inflammatory skin conditions. Normally, aloe juice would be suggested but this item works better on inflamed skin. Your vet is using strong medications so the only thing left to treat is the outer surface of the skin.



Type in




On the left, look for PLUCKING/SCREAMING---click on it


Third picture from left ( spray and jar in picture) click on it


there's 3 choices

1---premixed bottle

2--small jar, powder in it (8 oz)

3--large jar, powder in it (16 oz)


Get either 8 oz or 16 oz jar with powder in it. Stay away from premixed bottle. I would recommend 16 oz size because treatment may last long.


1 rounded teaspoon powder to 8 oz room temp water in a sprayer. Heavily soak your bird down once a day. Make sure skin is soaked. Don't towel dry. If any remains in the sprayer, use it on any other birds sitting around. It won't hurt them. Discard what remains at the end of the day.

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I have a rescued eclectus that was in a pet shop for ages. This month is the anniversary of his being with me one year. No one wanted him because he was a screamer, biter and he is a terrible plucker. I took Dr. Flock's advice (Dave 007) and Solomon (aka Sully) is growing back some feathers. He might not grow all of them back, but I have great hopes that someday he will. This is my dream for him.

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Try getting him out in sunshine at least 15 minutes a day, either before or after work. It made a big difference in my bird. He stopped mistreating his feathers right away. The vet seemed to think the feather mistreatment was due to low calcium which is direct result of not getting sun. He is much happier too. My bird is also very bonded to me and I figured it was behavioral, but I am relieved that the cure was so simple!

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thanks. he has a cage indoors next to a window through which sun does shine. perhaps i will try to have him outside for a little while as you suggest. i will need to get a smaller cage and get him used to it first

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Apparently the UVB rays, that are so important, do not penetrate glass. Also, if you like in a rural neighborhood and have hawks in the area, you might get a dog crate to put your little cage in. Also do that for back up in case you have a little escape artist-like mine... I would have lost my bird two days ago if I hadn't had him inside the other crate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying the sunshine treatment as well right now, I take Jacques outside in his travel cage and sit on the front steps (it hasn't been hot here so I haven't been worried about the shade yet, it hasn't even been all that sunny which is a bummer) It's kinda nice to sit and watch passing cars stare at him, hopefully they can all multi-task and watch the road...


The odd thing is that whenever we're sitting outside, he CONSTANTLY begs for head scratches! Just like my boyfriend...

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