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Does Charlie look better


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:) I took this photo today to compaire charlie to how he was before he started his anti biotics and pain killers. I think he is looking tunns better. He is still plucking now and then but not like he was. His next vet visit is on the 5 of May and I am sure things are going well. I anticipate him being on the meds for a while yet so we can be sure all the infection has gone, He looks a litte thiner to me but the scales are only showing a 10-15 gm weight loss so that is nothing too bad. The only thing still concerning me is that he has very few down feathers,the vet commented on that at his last visit and that does not seem to have improved yet but I am hoping time will sort that out.001..jpg
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He has had a feather follicle infection and was plucking his wings and tops of legs and a bit on his legs. It was not severe plucking and apart from a few patches on the inside of his wings and the lack of down feathers he is almost back to normal. [Hear is a photo of the inside of his wing a few months ago,its not too clear but you can get the idea 005-2.jpg

Edited by she
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Sheila - I agree with Ryan - you would NEVER be able to tell he's had a problem. His feathers asides, obviously we can't see them under his wing, he looks much brighter and happier - bless him. You've done a super dooper job - and Charlie's a lucky, lucky boy x

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