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Ouch! Biting - any advice for bravery?


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On the aviator harness thread I wrote that I couldn't put a harness on Ursula because she's learned how to get exactly what she wants by biting me - grabbing a finger and then pinching harder and harder. Our relationship is quite close and fun and positive (I can kiss her beak, she follows me everywhere, and talks in my voice), it just doesn't include my hands. I work on positive reinforcement to keep things somewhat peaceable, but it takes effort even to keep her stepping up on my hand without lunging to bite. (She's two, and is better with my husband.)


Jillybeanz wrote back, very wisely, that the way to get a harness on is to move smoothly and confidently, remaining calm even if one has to endure a couple bites. I know this is true, but I can't help the fear, and picturing my hands covered in bruises and v-shaped bloody puncture wounds. I have been conditioned.


Any thoughts out there for how to re-condition ourselves into calm confidence despite the biting?

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It's difficult - but they thrive on "grand gestures", noise and excitement - so any actions, motions or sounds that you make when Ursula does strike just encourages her more. You have to be very calm, take a deep breath and ask her in normal tones "why do you want to bite mommy for"? I have had one hell of a few months with Harvey and his mood swings and I have been close to tears with frustration, but have just had to walk away until situations calm. I know you've got Ursula into the harness and the problem was getting her out of it. At least she is accepting it that far and isn't too bothered by it.


Bravery is an inbuilt thing - you either are, or you aren't - but you must speak to Ursula and "ask" her why she is biting you. You will see she is listening and gently tell her "no". When I first read this I thought it was an absolute load of tosh - but it really does work. Good luck - and don't just take those bites for the sake of it :)

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I'm struggling with the harness too, but persevering. If Paco get's me a little hyper from trying to take my arm off, I first distract him by snapping my fingers above his head to get him to look up for a second. I then make my hand into a fist, a hard fist, to make the skin really tight on the back of my hand. Then I put the fist forward, he tries to bite the back of my hand and can't. I don't know why, but this calms him right down and I can then get him fastened up, it also calms me down because he can't hurt my fist, and then stops trying to hurt my fingers. Taking off the harness is usually my bigger struggle too, the only different tactic that I use is to offer him the "loop" as soon as I get it far enough away from his body that he can pull on it himself. He seems to take some satisfaction in getting himself out of it, especially the neck collar, he does that totally on his own.

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I am probably the worst person to be giving advice on this, but I have had Rene for 1 week now and have endured few bites already, I had to sit there the other night after a good bite on my finger, bleeding (I was actually dripping!) Asking Rene "why are you biting me?" my boyfriend James was looking at me in horror I think he was thinking that I was going to throw the bird, but even as he was clamped to my finger I explained to James and Rene that he WILL NOT win, and lunging is NOT an acceptable behavior.. Balling my hand into a fist doesn't work for me either, Rene still can grab at my skin, or he has learned to go for the edge of my hand.

But good news is, I have learned that once I get Rene onto my hands talk him through his pinning eyes ;) I can ask him to step up over and over putting a new hand out each time, and then put him back to his cage, and right away ask for a step up and not get bitten.

Also if you just stick your hand in right to the bird and ask for a step up DO NOT HESITATE seems to work best for Rene, if I go to slow or am not perfectly clear on what I am asking it always leads to a bite.

I just wanted to add that this is what I do on the advice of the previous owner of Rene who had him since he was 2 weeks old and knows him will enough to know he will benefit from me being pushy, I don't think that I would try it this way with any other grey I would be in the same position, asking the wonderful minds here for advice!!

Edited by JJsHoney
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Personally, I'm not certain that enduring bites and discomfort from your grey is the way to go. I don't use any type of aviator harness on my Emma but I most certainly will not tolerate being afraid of her or being bitten in that manner because the experience would not be pleasant for either of us. I think it might be a good idea to step back and pay attention to when your parrot is demonstrating "that he is not comfortable" with this activity anymore and then to just let it go and move on to another activity. You can try again later. Baby steps.


Getting your grey comfortable with a harness will take ALOT of time and patience. It may be very slow paced but if done correctly, the experience of learning can be great for the both of you. Do view and study the dvd that comes with the aviator harness as often as possible as welll.

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I am the same as lovethatgrey I also try to avoid them feeling that they have to bite me. If they are biting then they are really saying to you that this is not comfortable for them and they want you to stop. They always give other body language to tell you this before the bite, but usually we don't listen so then they bite. There is no point of you being scared of being bitten and your bird feeling that she has to bite because you won't stop. Not fun for both parties.


I also can't get the harness on our 2, only over the head and then I see they are uncomfotable and I stop straight away. I also use the positive reinforcement method and like lovethatgrey says it is really baby steps and takes alot of time and patience. You want this to be fun for both you and her.


To be honest she sounds like my little Kea. Kea used to lunge at my hand and try and bite me. I backed off and didn't give her a chance to bite me. I then worked on training her with simple things like step up and fetch before I even tackled the harness. After she got this I then started with the harness training. Maybe you need to start small before you tackle the harness.

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