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New to forum, new to Greys!

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Two days ago we acquired an adorable 3 year old Grey who has yet to be renamed as his current moniker isn't quite our style.


His previous owner sadly had to give him up when her partner developed allergies. Despite the fact that he was known to give 'the silent treatment' for a few days whenever he went through a change--moving cage, moving toys--the morning after he arrived we heard him chatting away upstairs. He hasn't shut up since! In fact, he's yakking away right now--giggling to himself, carrying on a one sided conversation, whistling. How adorable!!


We are new to Greys but have been studying and researching these characters for awhile now. I look forward to learning even more here!

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Hi Carrie, so glad you decided to join us! There are oodles of informative threads here so just look around and read, read, read. If you have any questions just create a new thread and ask away. I look forward to seeing some pictures of your new grey when you get a chance. Welcome to the Grey Family!

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Welcome and it's Grey't your here. A little story if I may, Our rescue Grey, Joey is 2 + yr's old. we felt we didn't know his name, so we called him "Jim", to go with our CAG named "Spock". Well to our surprise, one day, Jim said, "I'm Joey not Jim!!!", this he repeated a couple of times...LOL. You might have to get used to his hatch name...LOL.


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Jay, that is a fantastic story, I didn't know that about Joey! Carrie, welcome to the forum, there is lots of great advice, fun stories, and good friends to be found here. My first suggestion would be to check out the dos and don'ts when it comes to feeding. There are great lists of good and bad, as well as advice on preparation, we all learn from one another here, and the learning never seems to stop.

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Hello Carriekinz and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new to you grey.


I'm sorry about the former owner but this is good news for you and I believe you will give this bird a good home, a good forever home. Do not worry too much, some here have greys that hold grudges but usually not for long, just be patient with him but it seems like he has given the thumbs up on his new home.


Yes by all means do read thru as many of the threads here as you can for you will find lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


You do not need to be in any rush to rename this grey and he will learn a new name quickly enough, maybe something in his personality will trigger a name but in the meantime if you have some pictures you would share with us we would love to see him.

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Wait til he starts mimicking all the electronic appliances in the typical household..youll get really confused at first..LOL!!! I am new here (and to Grey's too), but have found this place to be SO informative and welcoming. Good luck with names! :)

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Thanks everyone, for the warm welcome! :) I am going to wait to post pictures--he is (was??) a plucker so he looks sort of ridiculous right now...sort of like a drowned bird, ha ha. He's still adorable to us though. This morning we woke to him apparently dialing a phone number:


"beep, beep, BEEP, beep, beep, beep, BEEP...hello?" LOL Hilarious!


I would fall right over if we change his name and he decided to correct us with his current name...that would be SHOCKING! :)

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