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Please be sure to let those ripen before giving them to your Grey. The green fruits are neurotoxic to wild animals. They are ripe when when orange in color. The meat is all they do eat. Only a Macaw size bird could crack the pit open.

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Those are nuts from a Queen Palm? Not a red oil palm from africa? Cuz I have Queen palms nuts coming outta the ears! I have about 10 Queen palms in my yard right now that fruit all the time. I could give them to Calypso...I know I started a thread a while ago about this, and Dan said that they could have queen palm nuts, I just wondered if this was the same nut that everyone was ordering online and stuff, The infamous "palm nut" is it just a Queen palm nut? I think Dan said the one that people are all the hype about getting for thier greys were from a red oil palm in africa? Am I right? Or wrong? lol, Just want to get this issue settled once and for all so I know what to give my little girl!


And good to know about needing to ripen them first!

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The red palm is the one they eat in their natural habitat. And Dan is right, they don't eat the seed, only the husk. The husk itself is full of oil. If you buy oil, try and make sure it come from the fruit, not the seed to be accurately replacing what they eat in the wild.


And yes, jungle, the queen palm nuts are great too. Maybe you should start a small business? lol

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Check those worktops out! You must have polished those specially for the picture!! Just to tease you all further - here's a picture of Harvey enjoying his fresh from the African Jungle (well, my freezer) his palm nuts!



Edited by JillyBeanz
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Jill, you are an evil girl. It's a good thing you create some retribution by offering good advice when we need it. I love how you noticed Stephen's countertops, but I must admit Stephen, I was pretty impressed by the shine you have going on as well. Paco will have to continue to settle for palm oil on his pasta and beans. Perhaps I should start lobbying the Canadian Government to change the import laws around palm nuts... I just don't get it, we have juvenile palm trees growing all over the place now anyway.

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Jill, you are an evil girl. It's a good thing you create some retribution by offering good advice when we need it. I love how you noticed Stephen's countertops, but I must admit Stephen, I was pretty impressed by the shine you have going on as well. Paco will have to continue to settle for palm oil on his pasta and beans. Perhaps I should start lobbying the Canadian Government to change the import laws around palm nuts... I just don't get it, we have juvenile palm trees growing all over the place now anyway.


To tell the truth, I was marveling at the reflection myself. That was a very lucky shot to catch him like that so well. No prior shine other than the wipe down I give after cleaning up from feeding my baby.


The note in the box said feed them to our birds either ripe or green. so i thought it was okay. However if you say that it's not good...I can wait a little longer...will these guys actually change color off the tree? I have one site telling me to refrigerate them green, freeze when ripe, okay to feed when green or ripe, not okay to feed when green. Who to believe? What is true....heeeeehhhhlllp. LOL.

Edited by Elvenking
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Elven, are they queen palm nuts? Or from the red oil palm? If They are queen palm nuts, They will turn ripe on or off the tree. I know all about Queen palms, but not the other kind.


But please let me know which they are! If it isnt too much trouble, and how Issac likes them when they are ripe :) You already know he likes em green! hehe

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They are queen palm nuts. And if I had to guess, I would be worried that they will not be getting ripe...as they are quite green. Unless it takes a few days. If so...how many on average? I know nothing of them. But right now they are quite green. I worry about them drying out. If you have any queen palm nut care tips...please share. Thanks.



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Ok, You can keep them in the fridge till they turn orange...Once they are ripe you can freeze them and then thaw them out as needed.


You Might want to take a nibble yourself! When ripe they sort of remind me of a mango when you peel them open. Glad to know I can give them to Calypso for sure now!

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I got them from this site:




I am trying to figure out how to take care of them though. If I didn't know any better I would say that they are starting to rot. i wish i knew what to do with these things to make them keep or ripen. I have no clue of how long any of that takes. I am writing the company I ordered them from for more information.


Either way, Issac really enjoyed them and I give him one here and there for a treat.

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