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Where's my Red Bum Bum and more. (Emma)


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Oh Adina that was so enjoyable and she was not aware the camera was going so she let loose with lots of sayings, loved how she swung from side to side near the end hanging by one foot, she is quite the entertainer, you must be so proud of her, thanks for sharing it with us, wouldn't have missed this one.

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She is certainly one active and happy little girl. Is the toy she is playing with made of coloured rawhide? It looks like something Dorian would like, although I'd have to make a smaller version first, he'd be scared of a toy that big! Very enjoyable video:)

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She is certainly one active and happy little girl. Is the toy she is playing with made of coloured rawhide? It looks like something Dorian would like, although I'd have to make a smaller version first, he'd be scared of a toy that big! Very enjoyable video:)


I purchased it a Chopperstoys.com


It is called PaperPandemonium. If you look in the toy section of this forum.. I posted a video recently of Emma playing with it. You'll have a clearer view of it.

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She talks so clear and sounds just like you. Too cute.



Thanks all! You are all so sweet with all of your nice compliments. Crossfit, please tell Hawkins that Emma says hi! Nice to know that there are other greys around the world who enjoy watching Emma as well.

Elevenking.. I'm starting to believe that "my voice" has something to do with Emma's interest in talking. Even when I am reading out my grocery list aloud, she is quite attentive. Lol!!

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I'm starting to believe that "my voice" has something to do with Emma's interest in talking. Even when I am reading out my grocery list aloud, she is quite attentive. Lol!!




I see Issac do the same thing, and i sometimes catch him paying attention when I do not realise it. When he gets chatty, I can hear his sounds evolving, and I hear what would possibly be words if he had full control of his little voice. Sometimes sounds like a language you can't understand, but with inflection.

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That was great, I love it when they put their words together to make their own sentences, Like "take a salad" lol...My quaker will do this sometimes too, He will mix pretty boy and good morning, And say "Pretty Morning" it is too cute.


And I love the red bum bum, To get her to say that you had to walk around the house saying "wheres my red bum bum?" haha Right? The things we do for our birds! lol

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At this point in time.. I don't need to repeat much with Emma.

She repeats what she feels is interesting. In fact, I must be careful about what I should NOT repeat! I've given up the idea of working from home as well. She would just take it all in.

Edited by lovethatgrey
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