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Issac Week 23


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So my little guy is going on his 23rd week. Adoreable as ever. I haven't noticed any new behaviors in a while though. My 7-year-old daughter did come over on Sunday to swim at my apartment complex, and when she came in, Issac raised all of his feathers and started growling like a tiger. After I calmed him down and let him see that she was welcome, he let her get close and pet him and such. After that, he was curious and wanted to find a place to land on her, but she is scared when he is hovering over her and she runs away. At least he warmed up to her quickly though.


My Queen Palm Nuts came in the mail today and I will soak em for a few minutes and try to give him one later, crossing fingers.


One night Issac sat sweetly on top of my computer monitor and let me work at the computer without trying to attack the keyboard, which was nice....but I am betting it was just a one-off experience. He was after the enter key Sunday night with a vengance.


He is still taking his formula, some days more than others but he still looks forward to it. Loves his pasta with red palm oil and birdie bread as well as veggies straight up.


I continue to love the serenading I get when I take a shower. I actually hear something that sounds like "Hello" sometimes. It's like a coo but in the form of 'hello'. He is trying hard it seems. He also seems to be babbling something else but I cannot make it out. It's still early though so I still find it amazing that he is trying. What a sweetheart.


Here is a cute little story, I was out late one night as I didn't want to drive home after a party I to. So I didn't come home till about 5AM the next morning. So Issac was uncovered during the night. When I came home I went to his cage like I always to do hold him and say hi. We was so sweet the way he let me snuggle him and kiss him on the back. I could tell he was happy I was home. Then he pleasently went back into his cage and I covered him for the remainder of the morning until our normal rise time. Nothing special really, but it is so nice to come home to a little critter that really wants you to be there with him. I love my Issac.




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