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Fid Fetishes - All Species Included!!


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Sunshine my YCA has this thing about head bands (the hard plastic ones that - mostly women - wear on their heads). I have a wedge haircut and when I'm working around the house I like to wear one to keep the hair out of my eyes. Sunny will, without fail, after a short time passes while he's hanging around with me, either climb or fly onto my head, grab the top of the head band and fly off with it somewhere to play with it. It can get quite frustrating at times, the little bugger.... What's more is that he often does it on purpose when my hands are full or dirty and he knows I can't swat at him!!! I've tried giving him his own head band (one of my old ones) but nnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooo, he wants the one I'm wearing! :mad: ;)


What are your fids' fetishes?? :)

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My Fid's fetish....hmm....which Fid? There are so many...Salsa LOVES my glasses...If I'm wearing them or have them on the counter, she is a little sneak-thief and will grab them and run. She will also not eat her Smash or Mash unless she has a spoon... ha ha ha ha



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Removing my hair bands from my ponytails so that my hair comes down!!!! I have my own hairdresser, she loves to preen my hair!


Oh my goodness Alfie does exactly the same!!! She is gentle when she removes a scrunchy, but when I'm wearing my hair up with like, a butterfly clasp she absolutely attacks it!! And she preens me when she's in the mood!!

Apart from the hair thing, Alfie has a fetish for anything she's not allowed!! LOL!

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I've tried giving him his own head band (one of my old ones) but nnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooo, he wants the one I'm wearing! :mad: ;)What are your fids' fetishes?? :)


How cute, yet irritating I'm sure! :P


Isn't something some else has always suddenly more attractive than one just laying around? :)


Thanks fo rstarting this thread!

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