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20th April 2010


I could see the blue shimmer on Dusty's feathers for the first time today. he was looking out the window and the way the sun caught is tummy feathers i could see the blue glow.


21st April 2010


I saw Dusty was using his foot to hold his food, it was so cute, it just shows how well he can balance now.

His new favourite place is on my shoulder.. i tried not to let him up there at first but he really likes to sit there when I take him outside on his aviator harness (he stopped trying to crawl into my shirt when taking him outside).


23rd April 2010


I opened the top of his cage so that he could climb out and he managed to get onto the top of the cage all by himself. but i had to put him back in again. Now he's climbing like a pro.


24th April 2010


Dusty flew!! I opened dusty's cage and let him stand on his new perch, then i started moving the blankets on the bed and ignoring his signals to pick him up. And he just took off and flapped his wings to the wall side of the bed!


25th April 2010


I "ignored" dusty again after I opened his cage and he flew straight into my hands! he cant land yet, but I caught him mid air.



He's still such a baby, but its amazing how fast he's developing the skills he would need to survive in the wild!

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  • 2 weeks later...

27th April 2010



Although Dusty has been in the car before, this was his first day visit to a friend. And his first time in his actual travel cage in the car (and not in the basket).

He chirped away in the car and took the bumps as they come. I felt like a mom talking to a toddler in the back seat.



2nd May 2010



He took off from my bed like a helicopter, straight up. It will soon be time to clip his wings.

He is now out of quarantine and is healthy, so we can let him meet Missy and let him try out his new adult cage.



3rd May 2010



Dusty is so good on his harness now, a real pro! I took him to the video store and a take-away restaurant.

I politely scolded a woman that just walked up to me trying to grab hold of him with her hands without even saying hello, I dont understand how people can be so rude. But I did let another woman scratch his back and Dusty was so cute with her.

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He took off from my bed like a helicopter, straight up. It will soon be time to clip his wings.

He is now out of quarantine and is healthy, so we can let him meet Missy and let him try out his new adult cage.




I was really enjoying reading Dusty's progress until this statement! Why do you feel you need to clip his wings - oh no, he flew! What an absolute shocker!


An otherwise fabulous tale!

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Please read all "Wing Clipping" threads and posts before doing this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189461-Joey-s-Maiden-Flight...Crash-Corrigan-Style

Please reconsider!!

Maggie Jayd and Spock,Joey and the rest of the flock.......

Spock: heh Joey, if you couldn't fly what would you be: Joey: deprived of my God given gift!! I need to fly to be complete.....

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May I ask why you think Dusty needs his wings clipped? My breeder clipped my Ana Grey's wings before I got her. I watched Ana Grey try every day to fly she wanted to fly so badly. It broke my heart. I should probably tell you a little about Ana Grey she is fearless and not afraid of anything. She is very independent. It took almost year and 1/2 before she could actually fly again. She is so happy, she flies everywhere. I love it when she comes a flying when I call out "Ana Grey where are you" I can then hear her wings flapping through the hallway, have you every hear a grey's wings flapping, the sound is marvelous. She makes the quick turn to my lounge chair and lightly lands on my chest. I ask for a kiss and she touches my cheek with her beak, wonderful!!! Please be sure that it is in the best interest of your grey to clip his wings. Sometimes the clipping only breaks a grey's spirit.

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We do have to respect everybody is different & each situation is different when it comes to wing clipping. I personally have decided not to clip Murphy's wings now or for the foreseeable future.

My Amazon was clipped & had freedom in a different way, he was able to room around the garden, sit & climb in trees & on the fence, he even used to play in bushes scooting accross the top of them screaming with delight.

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Hi Dusty and thanks or the continued updates.


It sounds like you are truly exposing him to new experinces that will build on his character and keep him from becoming a phobic grey when it comes to the slightest change. GreYt job! :)


You may need to carry a fly swatter with you to "Swat" those people with wondering "Pesty" hands. :P


You don't need to defend your choice to clip. But, it would be nice to hear why it is the best thing in your prticular situation. :)


As you can see, some people are very passionate about not clipping.


But, I do not want to see this turn into a debate or a harrassment of someone that may very well have good reasons for needing to clip.

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My Amazon was clipped & had freedom in a different way, he was able to room around the garden, sit & climb in trees & on the fence, he even used to play in bushes scooting accross the top of them screaming with delight.

Question? was that with a harness on????? Maggie and Spock
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As I'm sure your aware, a bird with "clipped wings can fly". Read all the posts of lost birds...Spock


He did fly off on a number of occasions when his wings grew back, at two different address. The first time I thought he was gone & he woke me at 6am screaming for me, so I shouted him & in the distance I could see this little green spec getting closer screaming his head off flying towards me.


The second time he went for an adventure he just flew from tree to tree laughing his head off at me, then when I would walk off he would shout me to come back:) In the end I went back in my house & he came back about an hour later. Both times I hadn't clipped his wings for ages so my own fault. He had the time of his life & thought it was funny too :P

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He did fly off on a number of occasions when his wings grew back, at two different address. The first time I thought he was gone & he woke me at 6am screaming for me, so I shouted him & in the distance I could see this little green spec getting closer screaming his head off flying towards me.


The second time he went for an adventure he just flew from tree to tree laughing his head off at me, then when I would walk off he would shout me to come back:) In the end I went back in my house & he came back about an hour later. Both times I hadn't clipped his wings for ages so my own fault. He had the time of his life & thought it was funny too :P

Jayd, maggie and Spock here!!! I'm sorry Reggieroo, No, "IT's Sad", I think of all the people who are still crying after losing they're bird's by accident or neglect... To all the lost souls!!! Jayd

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I want to rewind a little - call me naive - but I'd never even heard of "clipping" until I joined this forum!!! I have had birds all of my life - budgies as a child and then Spiky, my cockatiel (from the age of 17 to 34) - all had wings, all could fly (imagine that). They all enjoyed time out of the cage - they picked at my mam's wallpaper (when that blow and vinyl stuff was fashionable, whilst sitting on a wall light) - but we never, ever thought (or indeed knew) about stopping a bird from flying.


Like Dan says, some are very passionate about the subject of clipping and I'm not afraid to stick my hand in the air and say I am one of them - and I'm not going to get into a debate about it - I've had many before so I think people well know my views! The alarming factor in this post was the way it was laid out "He took off from my bed like a helicopter, straight up. It will soon be time to clip his wings". Exact text - he flew, so I'm going to stop him! I may not have a degree in quantum physics, but I have an absolutely perfect grasp of the English language!!


So, if there is a "legitimate" reason for clipping, I too would be interested to know :)

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Jayd, maggie and Spock here!!! I'm sorry Reggieroo, No, "IT's Sad", I think of all the people who are still crying after losing they're bird's by accident or neglect... To all the lost souls!!! Jayd


What's sad? You seem to be getting a little funny with me.......about what?


Can I not come on here & tell some stories or even say what I think?

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What's sad? You seem to be getting a little funny with me.......about what?

Can I not come on here & tell some stories or even say what I think?


It's not how it ended that matters, but how it could have ended!!! What is Grey't about this forum is that you Can say what you want! But in return, remember,we can also reply how we want. nothing funny there. And yes, every time I here about someones fid, loose with out a harness out side, where it can fly away or get killed by any number of means, It's sad that some one might let this happen.

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It's not how it ended that matters, but how it could have ended!!! What is Grey't about this forum is that you Can say what you want! But in return, remember,we can also reply how we want. nothing funny there. And yes, every time I here about someones fid, loose with out a harness out side, where it can fly away or get killed by any number of means, It's sad that some one might let this happen.


Well nobody's perfect, like I said I didn't even know a harness existed 10 years ago. I was a novice parrot owner & all I had was books to read, no Internet forums for knowledge & advise, no friends who knew anything about parrots. It was just me & some books, that at that time advocated wing clipping as the right & safe thing to do. No mention of any of the things we know now like don't feed them this or that, Teflon kills or don't let them in your mouth etc. I think the only thing I can remember the books saying is don't give avocado or alcohol, one book I've read recently actually says you can give avocado :eek: which was a bit of a shock.


It's only been very recently that I discovered forums & found so much useful advise & I'm grateful for that. Much more useful hands on advise & knowledge than some books.

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gosh, I havent yet, Im going on what the vet said if I should choose to clip his wings. But so far he's been following everyone around the house and its just too sweet to watch.

I really did strike a nerve. But i understand after seeing how free he is to move about the house, he really is an active member of the family.


In the mornings now he flies from his perch to the kitchen chair (he's allowed to sit on the top of the chair while we are in there, otherwise the door is shut) and he watches us make him breakfast.

Ive noticed that he is more adamant with regard to following us in the mornings.. this, I assume, might be from when his ancestors used to regather in the trees every morning.. he makes sure he can keep us in his sights.


He's already given us "names" which are sounds that we sometimes make that are specific to each person. He calls us this way. I am a wolf whistle. and grandfather is a clicking sound..


I can hear him muttering to himself, and he almost has "Hello" down, well atleast thats what i think he's saying.



thank you for all the links, I have read the articles.

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Thanks for the update! See - you seem really happy that he's following you everywhere - would you like to put a stop to that!! No way - you'll miss him following you everywhere, appearing out of nowhere!!


You say that you are going on the advice of the vet - unless the vet is doing it for free I can't see at all what is to gain from the vet clipping his wings :P I'm sure it'll cost quite a bit!!


You're right about striking a nerve though - you probably have entered the most heated discussions regarding any type of bird, and as it's been reiterated many are very, very passionate about this (as I've said, I'm one of them). My thoughts on this are simple:


If you buy a bird and clip it's wings, you may as well buy a guinea pig or rabbit! Strange comparison, but very true!


Thanks again for the update - he sounds like a proper sweetie x

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thanks jillybeans.


I do see that its a heated debate, I dont really follow forums that well but when i came back i was like wow, okay gosh!


I have noticed lots of differences though, between what informaiton there is on the web (ie from persons in the uk or usa) and the information that one receives from south african sources.

Here, for example, I took Dusty in for his first check up while he was still a fluff ball, and one of the first things the vet asked is would i like the wings and nails clipped (an avian vet)..(its not actually even expensive, its a "standard procedure" probably around R20.)

I responded that I would still like him to gain his balance first, he was still a baby.

My thoughts were that the little guy has sharp claws for a reason, so that he can grip well while he is still learning to.


So without getting his nails clipped he has in the mean time learnt to climp and grip onto everything.. and a couple of natural wood perches (with bark) actually filed them down a little. Of course when he is older and his claws are too LONG then I understand.. but just because they are sharp is a silly reason to clip them.

I also wanted dusty to gain confidence with his wings, while he was still a baby.


But what im trying to say is that I understand how people should not be judged for clipping wings, if it has always been the norm, and even a vet (who doesnt trust vets) suggests that you should.

For me it was a completely new thing to see that people have fully flighted birds, flying around the house, that kind of thing just doenst happen here.

I have a fully flighted senegal that was adopted and we just never bothered to clip her wings and I am considered to be an irresponsible owner here for not keeping up with clipping her wings.

I had to order my aviater harness over the web, which converted into rands cost an insane amount of money for a little harness, and I did it gladly because I wanted dusty to be able to go outside and explore safely.

If I take him out in public people are amazed that he's on a "leash".

So it really is a "new thing" for some people to have a bird that "flies around" (heaven forbid) :-)


But I am glad that Dusty is doing well on his harness, even if the big bad world still has airplanes that scare him.





God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages. ~Jacques Deval, Afin de vivre bel et bien

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You've hit the nail on the head! Different countries, different ways. SA doesn't embrace captive birds with flight, but someone has to change the fashion and change the views of the people - you can be that ambassador!


That's what this forum is about - different views, different ideas and people like yourself (there aren't many active members on this forum from SA) who can share their lives with us. All you have to think is "it's nice to be different"!!! :)


Keep the updates coming - can't wait to hear how things are going x

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