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Seed catcher/skirts


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They just help the seeds bounce farther away from your cage.. What a wonderful name you have, How old are you, this will help which one of us will be addressed as Mr... to give you a example of my age, When I traveled with Mose's!!! just joking, My 1st name is Jay-d...Welcome... Why don't you make a thread in "

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HaHa never met anyone with the same name I use. My intials are JD and have been called that my whole life and when computers and email first came out I needed a username that was longer than just JD so I created jayd/mrjayd. My license plates on my truck is even "MRJAYD".... :-) I am 49, BTW. Nice to meet you here. I will start a thread in the Welcome room as soon as I get my grey in house.

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Hello MrJayd, I use the seed catchers on my bird's cages, they help to catch some of the stuff they drop and even catch some of the poops when they are on the top of the cage, yes sometimes seeds and such will bounce off but I think it catches more than bounces.


Please do make a thread in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and your erey.

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i took my seed catchers off when I started moving the cages from room to room. Both of my fids are pretty neat about their food and don't drop much outside of their cages. Sully, my ekkie will even carry his food over to his food bowl so that if it drops it lands in the bowl and not the bottom of the cage. So for me, the catchers are just a bother.

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I have a cage with and one without the skirts and I find that the skirts are very useful. Sunshine loves to poop off the side of his cage when he's on his play top so it catches all that and it slides right down into the droppings tray. Food will always be flung around but I do think it catches most of it. For the droppings alone it it worth it for me because I can see what the results are on my floor when he sits on his open cage door. Why do parrots like to sit on their open cage doors so much, anyway?



Edited by SunnyBird
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The seed skirts are great.......at making permanent dents in your door frames when you move the cage from room to room!! They're also great for catching your shins on, banging your head on when cleaning the cage and also creating that "BANG" when you least expect it when your grey chews through the rope holding the coconut in place! As you can tell, I kept mine on!!


It does save a minority of seed/pellet/veggies from falling to the floor - but the challenge just isn't there and they end up flinging them further anyway! Can't wait to meet another JayD - and hope you're just as lovely as the first :)

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Something I've been wondering about myself is the seed catchers. I've been looking for a new cage for Murphy & we said that we wanted one with a seed catcher so I don't have to run round with the hand held so much, also to catch the poops off the side of the cage. I was looking at an ebay listing a few weeks ago & the chap said no seed catcher with it as they are useless!

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"i took my seed catchers off when I started moving the cages from room to room. Both of my fids are pretty neat about their food and don't drop much outside of their cages. Sully, my ekkie will even carry his food over to his food bowl so that if it drops it lands in the bowl and not the bottom of the cage. So for me, the catchers are just a bother."


...Lucky! I wasn't aware that greys & being tidy with food ever mixed...



As for us, my mom took the seed catcher off of Jacques's cage a long time ago because it just became covered in poops and didn't catch much of his food anyway.

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I took the seed catcher off my cage,I found it harder to clean than the floor.Also as has already beed said,it plays havock with the decorating,mind you the birds do enough of that anyway so that doesnt matter lol.

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