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Spock's "Laughlin River Run"


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Greetings, Spock here: It's the "Laughlin River Run" time again. I don't remember last year but my "parronts" took Salsa and I for a ride around town. We saw more color and more noise (and less clothes) than we ever could have dreamed of...WOW!!!

There was over 40,000 people, all on these fantastic colored noisy machines with the female species with very little clothes on. Were they noisy!!!!! RRRRUUUNNN VRROOOMM...mostly they all had black on...

Up and down the road, these noisy creatures went...Jay told Maggie, "that one's a Cadillac"

Salsa: "Motorcycle..."

Spock: "Poppa says cruiser..."

The colors were so bright I thought they were fruit and nut trees...Our "parronts told us last year there were 75,000 and in the past there have been more than 100,000 and they invade town for 4 to 5 days. Poppa said that there are three to four kinds of bikers; biker-bikers (gang types), bikers-clubs (mom and pop clubs), professional bikers (doctors, lawyers, etc) who dress up for the weekend, and regular people bikers who can't afford gas for cars and ride bikes...

Salsa: "I want poppa to get a iron horse so I can ride on his shoulder. He has a beard.."

Spock: "Not Logical..."


Live Long and Prosper

Edited by Spock
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So Spock, you didn't say will your parronts be running in the River Run???? it sounds like fun. You could fly along ahead and guide their way! No another note, I remember biker days. All the guys were tug boat captains or crew and the ladies various sorts, photographer, paralegal or whatever and we would fly down country roads and have rest stops at country taverns or... why I remember very clearly the stop at the nude beach..... but then that's another story!!!! Anyhow the river run certainly sounds like fun.

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Oh my goodness! Not knowing what the Laughlin River Run is I have just googled it! What a fantastic few days!!


I bet those tough bikers went all soft when they met Salsa & Spock though!!!


Great pictures of the bikes too - that red one is the size of my car!!! Looking forward to the next set of pictures (any buff boys for us girls?????)

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