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Kihei's Background, what I know atleast


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This is the story of how I ended up with her.


I was perousing craig's list, and breeder sites going back and forth between adopting an older grey, and buying a baby. I contacted many breeders in oregon, (seems there are several) and was told by all "no babies yet, in a few months we will have them". So I came back to an ad that I had found that said "16 year old African Grey, healthy and happy, looking for a forever home. Comes with cage and all supplies. $500." I responded via email, and David, her owner, called me. We chatted and chatted and really got along well. He told me he had gotten her when she was 18 months old, in Hawaii. Apparently she choose him by crawling onto his shoulder. He has had her ever since. She grew up in a family environment with him and his wife and children. His kids are gone now, and I think (im not sure) that maybe a recent break up or divorce has taken place, so David is now alone. He stated to me that as much as it breaks his heart to part with Kihei, that she is alone most of the day, and he does not feel that it is fair to her. He wanted her to go into the next chapter of her life getting the attention he felt she deserved. He told me from the beginning that she was very well socialized and had always been a happy member of his family. Until recently, apparently the lonliness she has suffered has caused her to "stop talking almost all together". Which has NOT been the case since she has been with me now for 4 days. She talks nonstop..this morning we got to hear her phone impression, quite uncanny. Anyways, he and I have emailed back and forth several times since she has been here, and he trully trully loves her, and is taking so much time to ensure her transition is a smooth one.


Our family: 1 rottweiler, Ayce..who she teases mercilessly. Luckily Ayce has been exposed to a menagerie of animals is entire life so he is not aggressive or nasty in any way toward her, just very very confused.


1 chihuahua, "lu lu" who could care less.


2 Flemish giant bunnies, San Diego and Hammy, who live outside so they haven't met Ki yet.


One 7 year old skin baby, Andrew. Who LOVES Kihei. Loves her. He sits next to her cage and the two of them babble away to eachother. LOL.


One tolerant husband who gets whistled at by Kihei everytime her walks near or around her cage, David (previous owner) said he whistled to her a lot, so I think she is associating the male presence with this activity?



So thats the story, in a nutshell. :D

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It's lovely to hear of how you became Kihei's forever home, and it does sound like David is sad to see her go - the fact he is emailing you to ask how she is shows that he is interested in her welfare.


You have quite a little zoo going on there - I can only cope with Harvey!!!


She sounds like she is getting really settled with your family - I can't wait to hear of her progress. Thanks for sharing her story x

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Thanks for sharing the story.


Now that is true love, putting the needs of your loved one, ahead of your personal grief over having to release it to a home that can care for it as you no longer can. I would do the same for my grey and conure when I reach a point in life like that.


It sounds like Kihei is very happy with the activities and flock surrounding her.


Please continue the updates on her and how things are progressing. :-)

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What a heartbreaking story with a wonderful happy-ending. It sounds like Kehei is so very loved by her first parront. What a truly loving thing for David to do. Thank you for sharing her story with us. I can't wait to hear more about her new life and how she thrives with her new forever family.

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Thanks Logan for sharing the story of how you came to get Kihei, she is one lucky grey to have one amazing owner then go to yet another great owner. I know David must have loved her very much to give her up but she is starting to settle in quickly since she is talking again. I think this is going to be a wonderful journey for you and Kihei and it has only just begun, please continue with updates on how she progresses.

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Thanks for letting us know Kihei's background Logan - it helps to form kind of a mental picture when we are reading stories about her. SHe will be lost at the minute, no doubt about it, but it sounds as if you are making the transition go as smoothly as it possibly can.

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