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Some more strange but funny behaviour from baby Murphy


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Murphy has been doing some funny things over this past few weeks but being a new grey owner I'm not sure what it all means.


I have a video here of some strange behaviour, it's funny the way he goes on but not sure what it means. It's quite random & so far he only does it on top of his cage, he just runs over to me & starts doing it for as long as I'll hang around & entertain it. Doesn't seem to be any pattern to it, not every day just the odd time, this time I happened to have the camcorder handy.


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Awww Murphy is in love with you, the lowered wings, softly panting and following you from side to side is sure signs of a love stricken parrot, all thats missing is the regurgitation plus he wants to be with you. Its sweet to see him doing this but do not encourage him, tell him you love him too and walk away. Thanks for sharing that with us.


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Harvey does this when I point my mobile phone at him to either take a video or a photo. Harvey's in love with my mobile phone. As soon as he starts I stop pointing it at him - I feel I am encouraging his sexual behaviour, which of course is cruel. Definitely take Judy's advice and discourage it. I just walk away too.

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Here's 2 sites that are extremely helpful to new CAG owner. There's so much that a new owner need to learn, there not like a dog, or other pet, even microwave popcorn can kill them or PTFE,Teflon.


Jayd and my better half Maggie who writes under the name Spock...



Note:The wealth of help and information you can receive here is amazing, these people are the greatest.....

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awe that is too cute!!! my senegal parrot has just started falling in love with me (its taken almost two years after adopting her) and ever since ive become her favourite person i can hold her upside down, pick her up in different ways, cuddle her.. all things i couldnt do before.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ohh yes..these are what i used to call little nose puffs. Then I found out what it meant as well. Issac did this so much for about the first 5 weeks I had him home. He eventually did end up regurgitating on me, and that is a sweet moment because that is as close as they will get to really loving you and showing you how much. He has all but stopped it now. He will still do it for some reason if he sees me flossing my teeth. I think he wants to help but he definitely cannot do that.


PS: They do this when they get randy too ;) LOL. That is why you hear people say not to encourage it.

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