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No leg band


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It could just mean that a band was not put on or it has been removed before you got him. I chose to not have the band put on my grey for it proves to be an irritation to a lot of them and causes problems, it used to mean that it was proof your bird was not wild caught. I wouldn't worry about it unless you are wanting to take Kihei out of the country.

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I'm having an issue with my grey not having a band. We got our from a pet store because it was a really really good price, and there are no breeders around us.

The breeder who sold them to the pet store had too many and didn't band them. At the pet store, we visit almost every day even for a few minutes, the owners of the other grey they have there have visited twice in about 2 months. They are convinced our grey is there's. We can tell which is ours, but they can't since they never interact with theirs. We just wanted a way to identify ours easily. But cannot find anyones who sells bands (unless we want to buy about 50+ in bulk).

Does anyone have any information on getting a personalized band?

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That might be tough, plus, and I'll wait to see what any of our breeders have to say, but I'd think that the band must go on when they have feet that are small enough to slip it over? I know in Canada you must belong to certain bird associations in order to get the bands at all, and even then, they sell them in bulk.

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well i was thinking an open band that you can just pinch together to close...i know they make them i just can't find one...and i really don't want to get one from the hardware store...just seems so sketchy. (since half the people prod wouldn't know if there is zinc or not in it) But it seems I will have no luck, I called the aviary hospital today to ask what my options were and they basically told me that i have none :(


Malikah , you know thats not a terrible idea, maybe we will try something like that


Here is a video of the two of them (Oscar is on the left)


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Please stay away from split (open) bands. They are a known issue and should not be used. I'm an advocate for closed bands but not the open bands. Closed bands aren't an option, as your bird has grown too much to be able to get the band on. I put them on at 3 weeks when their legs and feet are much smaller than at maturity.


At this age you really don't have many options for identification bling.

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Aww little cuties. I watched a couple of the other vids too. Who is the chirpy bird (parakeet? conure?) that thinks they belong to her? I wouldn't do nail polish (which is the first thing that popped in my head too), he could chew it off and it might be toxic.


Naughty Noogie! ::::trying not to laugh:::: BWAH HAHA HA HA HA!

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I have reason to believe that Brutus was wild caught. The reasons I believe this are because:

He has no leg band

His previous owner supposedly purchased him from a pet store, rather than a breeder. Pet stores, in the late 1990's commonly purchased wild captured parrots.

He is a little over 12 years old, which would put his hatch date at the late 1990's, which was at the time when hundreds of thousands of wild captured birds were being exported from Africa.

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I guess I am a little confused. My grey never had a permanent leg band. It is not required. If you have chosen Oscar as your grey, I don't understand the problem if you have a deposit on him. If you can identify him and you have paid for him why is there a problem with someone else thinking he is theirs?

Edited by luvparrots
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Spinner - I have read that and i know he is too big for one now, but since we cant find anything anyways its just out of the question, and was only really going to be used until he came home.

Malikah - the chirpy birds are senegals ....2 Of them acctually..whenever you go into the room they just freak out lol... I have heard of pet nail polish...i think maybe im wrong i didn't even think of that

Luvparrots - I think maybe because ours is darker and he plays with toys and is more active maybe thats why they think he's theirs, i don't know theirs just sits there and sqwaks non stop. I was just told one time when we went that the other owners came and were arguing with the manager that he was theirs. I just don't want a mistake to happen and want to nip it in the bud now.

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I guess you will have to try the blueberry juice. I wonder about some food coloring on his foot, that's what they use to color parrot toys I think. I'm sure somebody with a bit more knowledge will know if it's safe to use. I read a story once of somebody's macaw getting his feet stained from the dye in his toys when they got wet for some reason, took ages to wear off.

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Food coloring and blue/blackberry juice won't last, Spinner is right-on, Since the mid 90's there has been no leg band law, I agree with Luvsparrot's concern, Why if you deposited. A vet can implant a chip into your Grey's chest for Id....Jayd

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I agree with Luvsparrot's concern, Why if you deposited. A vet can implant a chip into your Grey's chest for Id....Jayd

Do they have to put the bird under anesthesia to implant it? I wonder if a pet shop would allow that.

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