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First time Mama for a baby African Gray Congo

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Just wanted to introduce us to you. Smokey is all of 6 weeks old and my hubby I am so in love with him that sometimes I would love to just squeeze him to death. He is so lovable, and sweet. I really hope that with all the help from all the experienced moms and dads out there that I can keep him like this forever. When I go to work I can't wait to get home and hold him till I have to say goodnite. I have other animals but he is the"baby". My husband and I take turns giving him his formula and he goes crazy for it. I read everything that I find out loud to Smokey and my hubby. Sometimes I catch myself even singing songs to Smokey. He allows anyone to hold him and really doesn't appear scared. His body language doesn't change when someone else picks him up. We are off now to go read more so that we can learn more about taking care of Smokey

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Hello Anu1again and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Smokey.


You have taken on quite a task with a 6 week old baby grey as handfeeding and weaning a grey is something best left to those who have experience, I hope you have your breeder and/or avian vet to rely on for advice if needed.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and especially check out the nursery room for it is full of helpful advice on feeding and weaning young baby greys.


Thats good that you are exposing him to many people as that will help to socialize him but do not expect him to always be this lovable and sweet, some may carry on into adulthood but most will become more independent as they get older and cuddles and such are not allowed any longer so enjoy it while you can.


We would love to see some pictures of Smokey if you have some you would share with us.

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Hi Jayd

We feed him 50CC every 8 hrs. I wonder if that is enouch and when can I introduce him to som other things like mashed bananas and some puried vegetables?

Please send a PM to Dave007 ASAP, 50cc might be too much and stretch his crop, and We fed our 6 week old 5 times a day..You can also PM spinner. What formula are you using?

Thanks for your quick responce... don't worry about veggies etc now....Jayd

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Welcome and congratulations!


Jay gave very good advice regarding feeding formula amount and schedule of a 6 week old Grey.


Have you ever done this before? There are many things you need to be aware of in regards feeding a baby. If not followed closely, it could result very quickly in the death of the chick.


Could you possibly post a photo of your Grey and provide a little more detail of how you are heating the formula, what type it is, what you are using i.e spoon or syringe etc.?


Looking forward to hearing more from you and don't be shy on asking anything. We have many members here that are happy to help. :-)


Please go to this nursery room link that explains feeding a baby chick: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?73409-Handfeeding-a-Baby-Grey .

Edited by danmcq
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Welcome to you and Smokey. I know that Dave007 and Spinner will be able to help you with caring for your new baby, please do contact them for advice. How on earth did you get such a youngster, if I may ask. Please do post some pictures and tell us some more about cute baby Smokey. So glad you've joined the grey family.

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Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry, I can't offer any advice to you regarding your baby, I got mine at 4 months, and the only handfeeding I had to do was to hold a spoon with adult grade formula in baby form for him to eat from. I would follow Jay's advice for sure, at least until you hear from Dave007 or Spinner, both are experienced breeders who are very well respected for their knowledge on this forum. Keep posting new threads, and don't be afraid to PM anyone for assistance if you have questions, you will soon learn whose expertise lies where and on what subject.

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