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Need advice on African Greys


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I am considering two african greys. I have quaker parrot experience, I have rescued several. I have never owned or handled an african grey but I have done my research.


1. Is just over a year old, hand tame for the lady but hasnt received as much recent attention. Never learned to step up for whatever reason. This lady has a lot of large bird experience. My concerns with this bird are that it does not know how to step up which creates a problem for me where I have to pick or reach for the bird. If the bird is off of the cage I am going to have a hard time getting it back on or in. Suggestions??


2. The second bird is one that has not been out of its cage for a long time. years ..Was intended to be a breeder. Has little hope for a novice like me to rehab him/her, but would have a good life with me. My concerns here are obviously how will it be to function with an untrained bird? Changing toys, cleaning the cage. Is the quality of life for this bird going to be good if she cannot come out of the cage?


I would appreciate any and all advice.

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First and foremost before getting either grey read thru as many of these threads as you can for lots of good information for they are a handfull and require lots of time and attention, its a lifetime committment and the last thing you want is to have to rehome this bird.


I think since this is going to be your first grey I would go with the first one, it is younger and doesn't have as much baggage as the second one plus the second one was intended as a breeder and they do not make good pets.


You can work on the step up command and we have many members here who can help you with that and much more, all you have to do is ask for help.

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You have certainly come to the right place to learn about greys. So please do search through the many threads here at the forum as there is oodles of important information here. At the beginning of the Room called the Grey Lounge Dave 007 has posted a very informative thread about greys. Please read through it. Of the two greys, I would probably choose grey #1 for you because it is younger and probably much more use to people. But please do a lot more research before deciding if a grey is the right parrot for you.

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Hi Blades and welcome to our family. Well done for researching before "jumping in".


On balance, comparing these two birds, you have to take into account what you want back from a grey? Do you want a "hands on" bird who will allow you to pet and stroke them or are you quite happy that you might never "befriend" the bird. Before my grey I had a cockatiel for 15½ years who I rescued at 1½ years old - he had been mistreated and NEVER trusted me ever. For his last 10 years he stayed in his cage - he was too much of a hazard to himself out of the cage. He was happy, fed, watered and loved. He didn't have a care in the world. His cage was in exactly the same place as my grey's - the centre of the household. The fact I couldn't handle him didn't bother me. I had rescued a bird in need. He was much better with me than at his last home, even if our relationship was from behind bars.


Now my grey, spoon fed in a family environment is the proper, A1 cuddly African grey advertised. I love our relationship - but I wouldn't say it was anymore special than my one with my cockatiel - they are poles apart and I can't compare my relationship with either.


The decision is yours - but firstly you must know EXACTLY what type of relationship you want with a grey.


Good luck - I hope you are a grey owner soon x

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Welcome blades1111!!!


It's GreYt having you here.


From the description of your background in Quakers and rescuing them. I suspect you already realize the issues and baggage that comes in varying degrees depending on the age of the bird and how it was perhaps mistreated.


As the others indicated, the younger 1 year old would still be much more open to learning and changes than a fully mature grey.


With that said, both need a loving forever home from a person that is willing to take one or the other in and work with it at the level it is comfortable with and build on it over time.


I would imagine that having rescue experience, as I do also, you know whats involved.


Jill asked the key question, what are you expecting and what do you want out of it?


If you have rescue experience, I am sure you know that if you let a bird out and it will not step-up, the only way of getting it back in the cage is using a perch or toweling it. If the bird is flighted, which a bird left in a cage for a long period probably is, that will be a much bigger challenge, but not impossible with patience and gentleness at all costs so the bird does not experience any more stress than necessary. The hardest thing to control is your own frustration, which they sense instantly.


In regards your question on the bird caged for "Years", it is already obviously used to it and would thrive wherever it goes as long as it is well cared for, in a room normally occupied by you and receives whatever attention it seems to desire. Even in this case, sometimes they come around after years of working with them.


Looking forward to your further comments and questions.

Edited by danmcq
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My advice is to spend some time with both birds and see if either of them chooses you. That would be the starting point on which to build a relationship. I know a Timneh that was wild caught and his family and their other Grey had no luck with him, panicked at their approach and struggles to get away-hissing and throwing himself about. Now he is in a different situation where he has plenty of room and two other Greys and after several months he now asks to have his head scratched, no longer thrashes and panics at the approach of humans. He is so confident that he bullies the other two Congo's a bit. The first bird sounds more tempting but it does depend a great deal on how the bird reacts to you. Like jacarual mentioned above when the Amazon found the right home with the right people it made all of the difference in the world for that bird. Do listen to the other Jill she is right in having you asses what you are looking for ion a Grey. All the best and take your time you will know which bird is right when the bird reacts favorably to you.

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