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Ana Grey Asking for Apple


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That's great Janet - she sounds so like you!!! Was she wet in this vid Janet? She has a really dark "v" shape on her chest - it's very distinctive! I love her cargo net too - does she use it? Alfie is still afraid of her atom! Mind, it's only been hanging around for a month!

Great vid Janet, thanks for sharing. More please!!

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Thanks everyone! I don't think she sounds like me, but hey, who am I to know!!!!!!!! Note that some of the talking is me talking to her. Lyn as you can see from her avatar picture taken when she was 4 months old, she has always been dark. She is now charcoal colored with a dark V as you said. I guess I just never noticed because frankly the only greys I see in my town are Congos. I have never seen a Timneh except her and her siblings when they were young. Ana Grey does love her cargo net and always has from the very first day. She really isn't afraid of much except loud noises. The cargo net is huge and I have considered cutting it in half, but then what would I do with the other half????

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Sully is a very quiet and set in his ways ekkie. He never plays and never sits anywhere except in one of his cages. He must have had a very sad life because if I try to put him on a stand or perch he just jumps off and heads for his cage. Ana Grey pesters him all the time but all Sully does is shriek so I will come "save" him. I wish I knew how old he really is because he acts like a very old man. I just try to make his life as pleasant as possible with good food and love. At least he is not plucking right now, so I am pleased.

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Great video Janet. Ana grey looks wonderful and I love her sytand and cargo net. I have a cargo net for Charlie but he is petrified of it even after almost 12 months so I have now given up of his using it.

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Sully is a very quiet and set in his ways ekkie. He never plays and never sits anywhere except in one of his cages. He must have had a very sad life because if I try to put him on a stand or perch he just jumps off and heads for his cage. Ana Grey pesters him all the time but all Sully does is shriek so I will come "save" him. I wish I knew how old he really is because he acts like a very old man. I just try to make his life as pleasant as possible with good food and love. At least he is not plucking right now, so I am pleased.


My White Eyed Conure, Phoebe, is like that. She had a very neglectful previous owner. She doesn't seem interested in toys, and is not hand tame. She seems happy enough though, sitting on top of her cage and watching the goings on.

What's odd is that she LOVES my Black Lab dogs, and my Black Standard Poodle. She will climb on Buddy's back (one of the Labs, who is especially docile), if Buddy stands close enough to the cage, and ride around on him. whenever Buddy comes close, she will get all excited and quiver her wings in excitement; but she won't let a human touch her.

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Ana Grey is a beautiful bird. I always wanted a TAG. Love her coloring.


Hey Esknomoe, that's really interesting about your conure. It sounds as if Phoebe identifies with your dogs. I wonder if she had dogs at her previous home? Do you have any photos or videos of her interacting with the dogs? I'd love to see them.


Cheers, Renate

Edited by SunnyBird
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Ana Grey is a beautiful bird. I always wanted a TAG. Love her coloring.


Hey Esknomoe, that's really interesting about your conure. It sounds as if Phoebe identifies with your dogs. I wonder if she had dogs at her previous home? Do you have any photos or videos of her interacting with the dogs? I'd love to see them.


Cheers, Renate



I have one video, but it isn't very good. I just got a new camera, so I will be trying to get some soon. It is very strange how she identifies with the big dogs. She is crazy about them. She isn't as interested in the little Shih Tzu or the Cavalier.

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