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Hello Noely and welcome!


There is a wealth of information available on this forum and family members that will help provide you information on your new Grey.


Bonding and training, in general, is an ongoing process between you and the bird throughout its long life. These creatures have average life expectancy of 50+ years, so it really is a life long commitment. As I am currently not clear how much research/information about owning a grey you may already have, I will make this initial response rather brief. The focus for bonding/training is building a relationship based on trust and love and will come along surely enough with patience and steady ensurance of positive interactions between you and the animal.


Welcome to the family! There truly is a wealth of information here and members willing to share. You should also familiarize yourself with using the search options on the forum and read older posts that will likely already provide much information you may be after! We look forward to sharing with you! B)

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I second Dblhelix message, read over the threads here and you will find a lot of what you are looking for.


Why don't you introduce yourself on the welcome page. We would like to know a little more about you and your grey.


Welcome to the family, glad you joined and looking forward to hearing more about you and your grey. If you have a picture of your grey, we would love for you to post it, we love photos.:)

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Guest briansmum

hi noely, at 12 weeks old your baby should bond to you pretty quickly regardless, just love him and care for him. if you are his main human he should click with you very fast.

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Guest Lidia


You'll have to take it at his pace, he may not like being stroked on his back and if you want him to get used to it, you will have to get him to fully trust you before he will allow it. You could start by tickling the places he will allow you to touch, such as the back of his neck, under his jaw, around his ears, etc. When he understands that you are not going to hurt him, he will relax a little. But it will take time, and you have to be gentle, patient and consistent.

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Noely wrote:

Hi thanx for response ive uploaded a photo and introduced my self on the welcome page.



I just saw Tucker's photo - he's gorgeous {Love-0002011D}


Take it easy, Noely - patience is the key-word in bonding ;)

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