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Destroying Democracy, But The Joke is On Me!


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My condominium is down the hall from our common exercise/meeting room. The other night we had our strata's annual general meeting which I decided I would go to. I arrived, checked in, took a seat and visited with my apartments adjoining neighbours trying to find out if any of then could hear Paco, or had any complaints that I might be able to smooth over. All assured me that they could only hear him when they were in the hallway, so none really cared!


While this was going on, I noticed that an elderly gentleman from down the hall came in. This fellow could only be best described as a cranky, old man, he argued about signing in, refused to sit with anyone, citing the importance of being able to hear his telephone, so he had to sit at the back, close to the door.


As the meeting progressed, this neighbour kept interupting, and bringing up irrelevant issues that had happened two years ago, and been taken care of. My being the patient person that I am, (sarcasm) remained calm and tried to be respectful of this gentleman. As I felt my irritation grow, I observed him abandon his gripes, running (with a cane) back to his apartment. A few minutes he returned putting his card up to ask a question or make another point. Before the moderator was able to get to him though, he'd jump up, and go back to his apartment. By the time he returned, the discussion and normally the vote would be over, our meeting was really moving along. The cycle continued to repeat itself, and I could hear my neighbour muttering when he came back when it suddenly dawned on me that I could hear Paco wolf whistle from where I was sitting, before I heard his mimic of my phone. On cue, the elderly gentleman got up and headed back to his apartment. He was mistaking my bird for his phone! I nearly wet myself when I realized what was happening. I lost all interest in the meeting by this point, and was paying attention to Paco running through his "sound" repetoire which was long enough to bring the neighbour back to the meeting, allow him to settle down before another ring could be heard.


The meeting quickly concluding, I came home and gave Paco lots of cuddles and play time before we both went to bed. At about 2:15 that morning, my phone rang, causing me to wake up... It only rang once and stopped. I layed there, cursing the kids who might be "pranking" me before getting up to bring the phone closer so that I could jump right on it if it rang again. Finally after about 15 minutes it did ring again, I grabbed the phone immediately and noticed that it was not lit up like it normally was it was getting a call. Exhausted I tried to slip back into a sleep, but tossed and turned for most of the night.


The next morning, as I was preparing Paco's brekkie, he started ringing, I realized it was him right away, and then it dawned on me, it had also been him ringing in the dead of night...


He is picking up noises so quickly, and doing them so well now. I showed him a squeaky toy once last night, and he has been mimicking it exactly all morning.

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Lol - now that is a v. funny story! I wonder if the old man will ever figure it out!! Look out if he does!!!

Phones ringing in the dead of night? Not so funny (to you - still a hoot to us!!) Our dogs have had their squeaky toys confiscated since we got Alfie - that would just do my head in!!!

Thanks for the giggle!!

  • Haha 1
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Hillarious story! My Brutus' previous owner must have had his cage in the same room with a phone/answering machine; because one of his acts, when he's on his perch, by himself is: "Ring...ring...ring (exactly like a phone)", and then "Hello....yep...yep...yep....ok...thanks....bye". "Beep" repeat; over and over.

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He doesn't need to interupt my sleep to do that! He already does! So far so good, no more nocturnal ringing, however he is still squeaking like his tennis ball on a fairly regular basis. It sounds like I have the most playful dog in the world around here. Yesterday I was on the phone when he rang, I actually looked for my phone to answer it before I realized it was in my hand...

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I had the same thing happen to me this morning I was on the telephone and my cell phone rang.. I looked and it was lit up I had a missed call... a minute later my "cell phone" rang again and I ran to it but this time it was still dark hmmm?? I picked it up to return my missed call and it rang in my hands I qucikly pushed the green button "hello??" NOTHING LoL I felt like i had really been taken on this one! Meanwhile Rene is is saying "hello Heeeeelllllloooooo" upstairs I think that was his way of making fun of me !!

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You think phones ringing at night is bad try being woken up with the sound of the outside door opening in the middle of the night. It took me a minute to realize I didn't have one of those kinds of doors. It was Sully, my ekkie, making sounds like the pet shop front door opening!!!

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