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Help understanding some behavior


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Murphy is now 17 weeks old & doing great.


He has been showing some different behaviour to my Fiancee Kate, one thing is every time he sees her he flies on top of her head much to her annoyance. Another thing we have noticed is when she pays him attention he starts to regurgitate his food for her, none of these things he does to me.

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Murphy's in love! Regurgitation is a sign of affection (and I am so pleased that Harvey's never done this to me - I think I would puke)!!! Harvey goes for heads too - but we just gently "shoo" him away with our hands and he goes elsewhere. If he does manage to land, we just remove him swiftly. The only thing is - he's 16 months now and hasn't got the message!!! :)

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Awwww, it may not seem like it, but Murphy is in love with Kate! :D


The top of the head is what he thinks is the best landing spot. The regurgitation is the greatest honor a bird can show a mate by offering up highly valued food.


Have Kate try to get her arm up for him to land on if she can before he gets to the head. If thats not possible, she should move her head as he is trying to land so he finds it to be an unsuitable perch. They learn good perching spots by trial and error at such a young age while learning their flight skills at the same time.

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Greetings, it's still to early, but Grey's usually single out one person, it appears this might be happening, don't fret, this is natural. When he "regurgitates" he's saying "I love you" part of choosing a mate, when this happen's, [stop as soon as you see him start!] say "thank you" and "I love you" and walk away for a while. Only pet you baby on the head and neck, no back or wing's or belly etc.



P.S. Dan, we've got to quit meeting like this....Dan is one of the most respected members besides helping run this place... you will meet more of this wonderful forum.....

Edited by Jayd
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It seems Murphy has chosen Kate as his favorite person and that happens often but it doesn't mean that you have been left out, just that he views you in a different light.


I echo the other's suggestions that you have Kate discourage Murphy from landing on her head, when she sees him coming just lift her arm and gently swat him away, he will soon get the message that is not allowed, the gurging is something to be ignored, don't make a big deal about it and walk away, this is something you don't want to encourage him to do.

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Well he hasn't actually regurgitated any food as yet, Kate normally walks away at that point. She has been telling him that she loves him so he must have been listening :)


I'm glad he is bonding to her as I don't want him to just be my bird but a family bird. Kate is going back to work in a week after being off on maternity leave for 8 months so don't know what Murphy will think of that :confused:


I've just got her to read what you guys have said, she then went & got him out for a love & he pooped on her :D:):eek:

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He's doing these things with her because he wants you to prove to her that NO other man can step over you and take her away from you. He wants you to show absolute power and strength. He wants you to make it clear that NO man can take what is YOURS!!!!

Murphy also does these things with her and not you because he's not gay.

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