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Old McDonald Had a Farm!


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As you know, Harvey's not fluent yet - but he's a perfect mimic! I just had to share that I have been laughing my head off this morning. He's always done a blackbird (learned it from a radio ad) and for along time has done a duck (quack quack).


For the last few nights I've been saying "Harvey, what does a pig do" and then making that "nose/throat oink oink" sound and he's been sort of croaking back.


Well, this morning I said "Harvey, what does a pig do" and he did it! Proper "oink oink"! You know how camera shy he is - but I will have to adopt my stealth position to try and film him doing it!!

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Awe that is wonderful! How old is harvey? Calypso is almost at 14 months and still just one word "hello" and lots of immitations. Thats why I ask :) Her latest thing is going "whew" you know like the sound you would make if the coast is clear or something...Silly birdies arnt they?!

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Awe that is wonderful! How old is harvey


Harvey's just turned 16 months old. His "hello" now is absolutely clear as day, his "Yo Harve" is absolutely clear as day and he also says "Michael" (my husband's name). I thought I had the only mute parrot on this forum - but I guess not!


Perhaps I shall recite the whole animal repetoire Judy - you just never know!! Now I know he's not mute I shall have to mind my Ps and Qs!!

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Oh Jill, please do adopt the stealth position in order to get this shot of Harvey, it'd be so worth it for us to see, but then I'd like Michael to do the same to get you on video in your stealth mode. Your descriptions of laying on the floor pretending to do other things amuse me to no end, it's only fair that we all get to actually see then lengths you go to!

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Perhaps I shall recite the whole animal repetoire Judy - you just never know!! Now I know he's not mute I shall have to mind my Ps and Qs!!


Yes indeed, you will have to be more careful of what you say from now on for you never know what word or phrase he will pick up, you had it easy before but now that he has made it known he can and will talk don't say what you don't want repeated.

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