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First Moment of Trust!


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Do you remember that first moment?


The moment where there was a shift in your relationship towards the positive and your parrot decided that you were trustworthy?


With Sachi... it happened by the 2nd week after going to visit her every single day while she was weaning. From afar, I could see she was snoozing or preening, when she heard my voice she perked up and went to the door ready to wait for it to open so she could step up on to me. I knew she trusted me because being with her just felt different after that day. Sachi's always been gentle with me but she wasn't always cuddly. Now, she is pretty affectionate.


Emma... took alot longer to trust me and it took me alot longer to trust her as well. I didn't find it very easy reading "african grey" body language and we had some bumpy times at the beginning even though she was a baby. I was STRONGLY considering to change my mind about taking her home and was ready to give her up. Her bites were unpredictable and I was becoming more afraid of handling her. I feared that she would give me more injuries before my other injuries could heal. I wasn't looking forward to my visits with her. I also resented taking time away from Sachi because I had to make time for an african grey who was giving me physical pain.


The moment of trust occurred one night when I spoke to her softly and she bent her head down for a scritch and waited. That was the first time she had ever done that and she was probably 4 months old at the time. We had known each other since she was 10 weeks old and I had visited every single day.

I'm very glad that I persisted in the face of resistance because TODAY Emma is so loving, so gentle, trusting and so happy go lucky.

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Ana Grey has been my grey and friend from the moment we met. Of the four babies from the clutch she chose me. She was the one who came to me. All the way home, she sat at the front of her travel cage making sounds and doggy barks (the breeder had a couple of small dogs) and taking treats from my hand (the breeder had given me bags of pellets and treats to take home). When we got home she cuddled in my arms and fell asleep. She has always trusted me and accepted me as her parront. Even if I scold her and swat her away when she is bad she always comes back. I have never sensed that she is leery or afraid of me. If I am speaking seriously to her she always cocks her head and listens intently. I believe this is all due to the wonderful breeder who weaned and socialized her. Millie instructed me on how to care and provide for my new grey and Millie prepared my sweet grey to cope with a new parront. Ana Grey has trusted me from the very first day we met because that is what she knew from her breeder; that her parront would love and care for her. I try hard never to break that trust.

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I lucked out with Paco's trust. I purchased him sight unseen from a breeder at four months after his original buyer had to back out due to an accident, I bought him and the breeders sister brought him to me via a two hour ferry ride in an enclosed carrier. After waiting at the terminal with unbelievable anticipation I saw her coming. She opened the carrier and pulled out a gorgeous bird that melted my heart right away, I put my hand out and he stepped-up right away, it was love at first sight (for me). He's been great in his trust with me ever since.

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I don't know if there has been a single moment with Hawkins and I. I do sense that we are building trust daily, even from moment to moment. He hung upside down from my hand today and will let me put the harness on him without trouble. And I know he won't bite me as I seem to be able to read his body language well. He does get annoyed with me but tells me with this sweet chittering sound that I do back at him and then we both sort of mellow out. I would say we both laugh but it isn't a laugh from him like a human one, just clearly we both relax after we chitter at each other for a second. I do find myself falling more and more in love with every moment. And he is clearly learning so much here at the house.

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I never got the chance to meet Murphy while he was weaning as the breeder I chose was a four hour drive away, just had a weekly update with pictures.


The day I went to pick him up at 12 weeks I walked in the room & he was sat on a table top stand lower than me. He fluffed up & gave me a sign he was unsure but after a few gentle words he stepped up & has never looked back. The breeder said " wow he took to you quick" So I guess that was the first sign of trust he showed me.


He has now started to run over to me on top of his cage to give me kisses & even put his head in my mouth the other day to try & nibble my teeth :eek: I would say he is getting more trusting as the days go on after all I could have bit his head off for all he knew so he must be very trusting.

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The first bit of trust between Harvey and I was on the first night I brought him home. Yes, the breeder had told us to leave him in his cage to familiarise himself, but of course I ignored it ;) ! I was lying on my back on the sofa, and Harvey was sat on my chest. I pulled my fleecy blanket up over both Harvey and I and he fell asleep, just with his little head peeking out. Aw, it was so sweet (and so long ago ha ha)! It was a lovely moment that was reciprocated nightly, until he decided he'd had enough at about six months old! Needless to say, there's none of that now!

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He has now started to run over to me on top of his cage to give me kisses & even put his head in my mouth the other day to try & nibble my teeth :eek: I would say he is getting more trusting as the days go on after all I could have bit his head off for all he knew so he must be very trusting.

You must not let your bird any where near your mouth!!!! This can kill your bird!!!!! When you kiss him, use your nose, no spoon that has been in your mouth, have separate spoons, no drinking from same glass or eating from same bowel. Our chemistry is different!!! Were Gram positive and a parrot is Gram negative..... http://www.parrot-link.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12931 Jayd

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I adopted Brutus, who is 12 years old, from his previous owner, thinking that probably the readjustment process would take many weeks, or even months. After only 3 days, he lifted his foot, asking to get on my shoulder, which he did; and lowered his head onto my shoulder for a head scratch. I was shocked. It was a huge moment. I learn more about his body language every day, and can tell when he wants attention, and wants to be left alone.

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As a matter of fact, this is the very reason Issac was chosen. He trusted me right when I came to visit the breeder for the first time. Unlike the other babies, he chose to nestle in the crook of my arm while I was sitting on the couch with some baby greys. He chose to stay there a while too...so I sat with him for a good hour, occasionally petting his sweet little head while he looked up at me curiously. It actually chokes me up a little to remember this. OMG how I am lost in this bird. LOL.



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