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Bird Shirt


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Does anyone find that when they come home, they have to put on a special shirt for the sake of their bird? I have a few bird shirts that I don't care about getting pooped on or holes bit into them. After having holes bit into a couple of nice shirts, this seems the only way.


PS: Yes...I am really bored right now.



Edited by Elvenking
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I do. Not as much because of Brutus, my Grey, but because of Echo, my IRN. He's still a little one, 9 months, and can destroy a t shirt in nothing flat. Sharp little beak. I have a couple special bird shirts. Brutus isn't a big chewer.

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Many people wear old beat up garments in case their birds drop a load or decide to bite at cloth. I see that you have a shoulder bird so it's common practice to do that. Yes, I can see that you're bored because you're having enough time to let your mind wander off a bit. Who knows, maybe the next trip will be to the Twilight Zone.

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Many people wear old beat up garments in case their birds drop a load or decide to bite at cloth. I see that you have a shoulder bird so it's common practice to do that. Yes, I can see that you're bored because you're having enough time to let your mind wander off a bit. Who knows, maybe the next trip will be to the Twilight Zone.


Trust me....I work in the twilight zone.

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Not in my house!! Harvey isn't allowed to chew our clothing - and has never been allowed to do so. If he is ever sitting on us and he does move his beak anywhere near our clothes he sharp gets shifted!


It is also extremely rare that he poops anywhere other than his stand or cage - so poop isn't a problem either!


The kids weren't allowed to chew my clothes or crap on me - so a parrot has no chance!!

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The kids weren't allowed to chew my clothes or crap on me - so a parrot has no chance!!

Lol Jill, quite rightly so! Alfie never really poops on us, and will only chew when she's in "that" mood and similarly is quickly removed - however, the mucky beak scenario is one we are still working on.......she has to wipe it somewhere!!;)

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For some reason Ana Grey does not poop on me. I don't allow her on my shoulder but for the time it takes for her to get from the back of my desk chair to my chest as this is where she can sit and get scratches and huddles. I don't like have droppings around that's one of the reasons I don't have a cat, I hate litter boxes!

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at first i had a couple of sweaters that were for Mojo. then i realized that i would always be wearing the same darn clothes day in and day out. he is always flying to my shoulder if he is not right with me at all times. so now if he decides that he want to taste my shirts i say to him "be carful" and if he persists i knock him off balance. he does not really chew on my clothes so much anymore. as for the pooping, the accidents are far and few between. he is almost completely house broke. so long as i get to clean up really quickley, it never stains.

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Issac doesn't just sit and chew on me or my clothes just to chew. It's that when climbing around on me occasionally, he enjoys hanging upsidedown on my arm from my sleeve like a bat-bird. Then he can inadvertantly put a hole in a thin shirt while climbing his way back up. He does occasionally get facinated with the metal buttons on my jeans...but I don't mind that. I will have to try and teach him that it is not accepted though, as I am likely more tollerant than any guests I might have in the future. ;)

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With our Flock, I don't know what looks worst, our skin or our clothes. Tango, our GIANT TOO, one day as I, then Maggie walked by his cage were BOPPED on our arms (at different times), not a bite but a beak bop which left three inch bruise marks. Mine was under my shirt sleeve and Maggie's was on her forearm. When we went for our doctor visit (we always go in together), the nurse asked if I abused or hit Maggie. I had to explain about Tango and show her my matching bruise. I guess that explained the poop stains on my shirt and the holes in Maggie's t-shirt. ;)

When Maggie comes home from work, the first thing that happens when she walks in the house is the removal of earrings, glasses, bobby pins, hair clips, pens and clothes and I ask "Has someone taken my wife?"

We have also discovered that Velcro works better than buttons...


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Yes I have old t-shirts I wear at home but it is because of Sunny and not Josey. My sun conure chews holes in any shirt I am wearing for she gets unlimited shoulder privileges plus she poops on me all the time. Josey does not spend a huge amount of time on my shoulder and she usually gives cues when she is about to drop a plop and I can get her somewhere where she can cut loose.

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I get some holes around the shirt of my neck if I'm not paying attention or giving scratches, so yes, I have some dedicated bird shirts. As well, I don't mind if he has an accident on these shirts, but he's pretty good, but it all weighs on whether I'm paying enough attention to the cues that he needs a poop!

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I don't have any specific shirts for bird-time as I've gotten Yoshi pretty much potty trained. In the house it's easy to remember to put her somewhere and say 'Go Eww' every 20 minutes or so... I get maybe one mistake poop on me a week. If we go out together, then addicents are more common, because a lot of 'unexpected' is going on and Yoshi seems to forget that she is supposed to wait to poop lol. But oh well, just means more washing for me :P

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At the current time, Issac is getting pretty good about knowing not to poop on me. The rest of the house...not so lucky yet...but he is learning. It's more for the little climbing he does....sometimes he will slip and hook his beak into the material and inadvertantly create a hole...especially if the shirt is thin. So I ahve to wear something thicker...and no zippers...they are just too tempting for him. I usually just wear a flannel shirt around the house. I don't dare chance a nicer shirt until I am out of the house.



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I thought about a bird shirt but then thought if I let him chew that he won't know the difference between a good shirt & the birdy shirt so decided to try & teach him not to chew any shirt instead.


He sits on me at night sometimes for a cuddle on my chest, I use an old towel for poops & if he chews I just push his beak away & say "NO" It kinda works but he keeps trying but other times he doesn't bother.


I'm trying to potty train but finding it hard.

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I can say that potty training is a long road. Let me know how you did it if you manage to get that one going. You really have to wacth them constantly and wait for that moment where he hunkers down...wags his butt...and squats...then you can come in and move him to where you want him to poop. Even though I have managed to do this numerous times and praise lavishly when he does good....I am still Mr. Clean with my Woolite Carpet Cleaner and a towel. In the 14 weeks I have had him...I would say I have easily cleaned 200-250 poops off the carpet...and that might be a conservative number. It forced me to get a proper cleaning technique down where I spray, scrub, and then go over it with a vacuum cleaner to straighten the carpet threads. He is lucky he is so wonderful and adoreable and a really good friend. I would do this for no other. LOL. Grey love it is.



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Your not wrong about potty training being a long road. I think it's one of the hardest thing to train. I had an Amazon for 10 years & I only got as far as getting him to poop before I took him out of the cage. After that he would poop anywhere he wanted :(


So far with Murphy he hasn't really pooped that much on any of us, I only tend to hold him after he has pooped then I put him back after about 20 mins for one & then reward when he does it. I also have hard wood floors so no carpet to worry about.


I was going to start a new post about potty training in the nursery to see what advise I can get, I'll do it now.

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Lol...this is kind of funny. Every morning I play the "Where is the morning bomb gonna be" game. I carefully watch him up until he lets this one go. I also take him to a location where poops are okay often and say 'poop'. He has been pretty good about this one as this is the time I most work with him. Getting the morning bomb off the carpet is quite a task...so it's important.

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