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a little turn in the road


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hey folks, new development in my rescue grey.


originally i was awaiting a fine young CAG to go into foster and then to me. well as time has gone by it seems he will be staying in his home (which of course is fine) BUT i just got a call from my fostering friend who has a line on a little TAG whose mamma got a new job requiring more travel than would be fair to her birdy.


so now it looks as though i will be getting a fine TAG from a good home, healthy and happy. and i will also have not only my foster friend as a resource (and you fine board members) but his original mamma so i won't be flying blind as a first time mamma.


i'm pretty excited needless to say and my foster friend will receive our little fellow soon. i did tell her that should she fall head over heels i would understand which is what her rescue lady said too!


she assured me she is at capacity with 3 but hey what's one more, right? so he won't be mine til i see the gold of his eyes ha ha ha hope i got that right.

back to the drawing board and time to read up on timnehs more fully. hooray!

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Well I was sad and happy to read your post. You lost the one you were originally going to get but another one dropped into your lap so congrats on still being able to get your grey. How wonderful of you to give a rescue a new home and you have a wonderful backup system in place with your friend and the previous mom.


I am so glad it has worked out for you and keep us informed as to when you can actually bring it home.

We want to know everything about it and get pictures if you can, we love pictures, can't you tell.:):P

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oh yes miss judygram i have already requested snaps! but i will wait patiently until the surrender takes place so as to not jinx anything.


and it is easy to wait until the right little birdy finds us. it's not about me getting the birdy it's more about the birdy getting its home.


i'm told he's a happy little talker and has had the one mamma these years. i hope i am that good match for him so he transitions smoothly. but my buddy knows me so well and knows birdys also so she will be an appropriate judge in the matter.


yes indeedy i'll be needing you guys every step of the way!

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Sandra, since you are getting a rehomed bird, you might do well to talk with Loviechick, all her birds were rescues and she can tell you what you need to know and how to handle that aspect of new ownership. She knows her stuff and who best to help but someone who has already been thru it many times.:P


Check out the thread, Buying a bird from another owner.<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2007/08/07 17:01

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Well this being your first bird, you should read a many of the different posts here, you will learn a lot, and I suggest one book you ought to have. "For the Love of Greys", by Bobbi Brinker, it is one of the best books on greys.


Of course we will help you any way we can, all you have to do is ask and we will try our best to get an answer for you.


I am so glad you are taking on a rehome, we have too many now in need of new homes, because too many people don't realize what they are getting into until after they have them and you and I both know people should do the research first.


And with tips from Loviechick, you should be well prepared for what you are about to undertake. So good luck to you and let us know when you get that grey. We want to know everything and see some pics.:)

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i've picked up a couple books and have gone on drs foster and smith website and downloaded a bunch of stuff there. that is all well and good but i do like and really need the hands on experience that a good forum offers.


i know GSD.com really saved my sanity after fraulein inga came home. lots of good info on there and helpful people (well mostly; as with any public forum you will have those who bite and snap but you learn to take the bad with the good and discern what is useful)so i expect no less from here!

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I like drsfostersmith.com too, I order stuff from them all the time and they have a lot of useful info like you said.


Yeah, you get a few bad apples wherever you go but you learn to get along for the better good of our greys. I have been on another grey site and sometimes no members will be on, here there is always more than 6 or 8 members on at any given time. So help is not far away, and I like to check during the day and evening for new developments because I would expect the same if it were my grey I was concerned about.


You will find we are like a second family here, we kind of get to know one another, it goes a long way in being able to help each other with our grey problems.:P

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I do not like fostersandsmith anymore. They miss shipped an order to the wrong address and would not resend it or give me my money back. So I well never have a thing to do with them ever again.

As far as a TAG you got the better deal cause TAG's are much better greys then a CAG hands down. /ducks and runs.

Sounds like a great bird how long does it take to get a bird like this? My rescues were not from any type of rescue center but birds that were no longer wanted and did not do well as breeders.

Good luck hope to hear a lot about your bird.

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hey tari, this birdy is going from his mamma to foster and then to me. my girlfriend is active in her local bird rescue and will foster the bird to get to know him a little better and to ensure he is a good match for me. plus with her fostering him she will be a good resource and advisor when i actually get him home. i am the tortoise ha ha ha so however long it takes is OK with me.


i like this approach as i foster puppies now and then and it really helps the forever home to be able to call me and say "sascha did this or that" and i can be a little support to the forever home during transition. so knowing my own green-horned-ness, i welcome all the knowledge and guidance i can get. plenty of newbie mistakes to be made and i want to be sure i minimize them!


i am also looking into local bird rescue groups ( i live in the metro milwaukee area ) and maybe at some time i will be able to lend a hand in some small way. you never know. at least i'll have a local group i can give the odd donation to, eh?

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Sandra, it sounds like it is a process that takes time but it ensures that the bird is a good match for you and that is first and foremost the most important thing to consider. And being your friend, she will be there to help you in any way after you take possession of the bird, plus you have all of us who will be more than happy to lend any help we may provide.

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  • 2 weeks later...

oh boy this is one for the record books. now it appears BOTH birdys might be coming into foster! i told my buddy she better get ready because she was about to Fall in Love again. she assured me she absolutely would not be Falling in Love again as she has 3 birdys which she believes is quite enough.


so this was to have taken place yesterday, we will see what actually happens and report directly back to the boards.

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hey miss judy yep we are having lots of fun with this little journey. and it does make a good story.


i found a really good cage at the thrift store so i'm going to go pick it up and place it in its place so the katz can get used to it (and we can deter the kitten from it in advance) that way when birdy comes home kitten will be less interested in it. not that she won't be tremendously interested in the birdy but she will know mamma wants her to at least stay away from the cage.


ah what fun it's like waiting for christmas!

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  • 3 weeks later...

well the planets seem to have aligned and my birdy is now in foster! this is a 3rd little fellow that i was just notified about tonite. my buddy has him home and will be giving me daily reports before we make arrangements for me to bring him home. i am thinking a week or two, maybe a month.


now the fun begins. i have got a Lot to learn!


but i did make one decision. his name was originally simon, but we are renaming him boris. but that is a story for another time.


and silly me i did not even ask was he a timneh or a congo! we talked more about his prior home and his feather plucking and our plans to get him happy again.


so now i am off to start a new thread to ask anyone interested in responding about their daily routine with their birdy.

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