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New to forum, and new grey owner


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I would like to say hello, ive been lurking around the last couple days. I just brought home my first bird, her name is Kihei (pronounced KEY-HAY), which is Hawaiian for "feather" or "cape", so I am told. She is 16. She has been with one family her entire life, and because of some major changes in her family her owner decided to part with her :(:(. She is very shell shocked at the moment.


I have lots of questions, and I know there are lots of answers around here, so off to explore threads!


Thanks for having us, and look forward to getting to know you all, and your feathery counterparts.



Logan & Ki

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Thumbs up to you for giving a forever home to an older grey. I can't wait to hear more about Kihei and see some pictures once Kihei has had a chance to settle in. As for questions, please just ask away and we will see if we can help you. There are oodles of informative threads here in the forum so read, read read. Welcome to the Grey family Logan!

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Welcome to our Flock Logan & Ki!!!


It's always wonderful to hear from a person that has taken in a older Grey in need of a new loving home to care for them hopefully for the rest of their lives.


I can only imagine the shock Ki is experiencing right now and the thoughts taking place in that brilliant mind of that Grey.


Is it possible that you can get information on Ki from the previous owners on Ki's routines, diet, cage out time, how he was interacted with etc.? I would imagine someone having Ki for that long has big big hole in their heart as well.


That is my biggest concern for my Grey in knowing that he will out live both me and my wife for at least 2 or 3 decades and probably need a new loving home when he is around 20 (If we live that long).


You've come to the right place for GreYt advice from very experienced Grey owners, breeders and rescuers.


Looking forward to hearing all your questions and sharing of your experiences and photos when you get a chance.

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hi everybody! WOW, thanks so much for all the warmth and encouragement!!


I can pretty much tell you, that the moment in which Kihei's owner walked away from her in the back of my car, (crying) and quickly rushed back to the privacy of his home to have his moment..I almost unloaded her and made him keep her. It was literally the most heartbreaking thing i've witnessed between two living creatures. She was pretty sad on the 4 hour ride home...back turned to me in the FAR corner of her cage. When I was getting gas on the way home, i told the attendant "please fill it with regular", and all of a sudden from the backseat i hear "REGULAR!" I havent had a parrot before, so needless to say hearing a human voice (eerily similar to her previous owner's) come from my human-less back seat, well, I almost wet my pants.


We got home last night, I reached Sloooowly in to her transport cage and offered her my arm, which she promptly bit. I guess I am NOT speaking good parrot language. I finally just put the little cage infront of her big one, sans door and let her exit on her own which she did eventually. She is really getting more and more vocal. My poor dog. She keeps clucking at him and saying "come here!" cluck cluck cluck "come here boy!" hahaha...she did have a dog in her previous home, i guess she was the boss of him. My dog hasnt came, yet, but he is utterly PERPLEXED at this feathery thing talking to him in a strange mans voice..LOL!!!


We have not isolated her, but we havent really pushed her into too much social interaction either. I have fed her, and my 7 year old has given her a few peanuts. She adores him. When he walks to her, she just makes her way right down the front of her cage to him. When I approach her..she hauls ass. She's going to make me earn it, and that's ok. She is entitled.


Her previous owner is AMAZING. I know giving her up is probably the hardest thing he has EVER done. He has emailed me with her fav treats, and routines, sounds, things not to feed..he gave me books even! So far, so good. I read the bill of rights, and I think that it is a perfectly appropriate set of expectations.


I only have one question: Since her previous owner (all 16 years so far) is male..and she seems to be taking to my son like she is, and running from me, does that mean she just wont like me?



L & K

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Welcome, Logan and Ki!!! I am sure everyone will tell you to take your time with your new friend. Time and patience. I think we really don't know how our Greys will behave in a new situation, we just have to wait and see. But I do know it takes a lot of patience and love, love, love. So glad you have joined us.

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Don't worry Logan. Please don't get on the defensive about thinking Kehei won't like you. Grey can sense feelings as they are very intuitive. Just relax and enjoy your new grey. Give her time to get to know her new home and the new members of her flock. I think it's great she likes your young son as a lot of greys don't like children at all. Just give Kehei some space to absorb everything and see what a loving and caring family she is now a part of.

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Logan some greys do prefer one sex over the other and since she came from a male owner then you are probably right, but it doesn't mean she doesn't like you. You can establish a good relationship with her even though you may never be her favorite. Many here have greys that prefer one half of a couple even though the other half is the one who wanted the grey in the first place and may be the one who does the caretaking also. Do not be discouraged by her reaction at the moment, you have plenty of time to work on a lasting relationship with her.


Talk to her, sit by her and read anything to her, give her treats, play with some toys and act like you are having a great time with them to encourage her to want to be in the middle of what you are doing. But by far the best advice is to be very patient with her, she has spent the last 16 years of her life with one person and it will take a long time for her to come to trust you.


I agree about the peanuts, go easy on them and do not feed any in the shell, I give my birds a couple of human grade unsalted shelled peanuts.

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It sounds like Kihei is actually doing very well in such a short amount of time.


To be vocalizing and interacting with your daughter, your dog and son the way you describe is surprising to me, for a 16 year old grey just separated from a previous one-owner of 16 years.


Ask all the questions you like and don't worry about posting updates every hour with photos. :D


We thrive on following stories of re-homes such as this!!

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Hi again,


Yes, it does seem as if she is doing quite well, considering all things. She continues to say all kinds of things including "I wouldn't do that", "hugs?", "hello Bird"...and she whistles. Whistles and whistles and whistles, short little tunes. David, her owner said he would whistle to her a lot. Oh and she coughed a couple of times too. Sounds just like me when I cough, but I don't know if she is capable of already mimicking me after only two days? she clucks and calls my dog allll the time. Then he goes to her cage and she growles at him..LOL. Poor dog is still SO confused. Its amazing watching her hear things, then make associations. For example, yesterday a friend of my son's knocked on the door. She said "hellllo!". When we run the sink in the kitchen, she makes a sound that is water bubbling. She is incredible.


I got her some new toys today, and was really excited to put them in her cage. I hung them up, and for the next hour she made a sound that is IDENTICAL to the shrieking noise a smoke detector makes when its low on batteries...REALLY LOUDLY so I took the toys out and she hasn't shrieked once. I guess she does not like things changed inside her cage. I understand.


I got her some unshelled peanuts, unsalted and human grade. I also have been reading about proper diet..sounds as though nuts in excess are incredibly fattening. I am going to go in moderation with those as suggested by you guys.


Question: She trembles a lot. Is that trembling fear caused? Is she cold? And her feathers are puffed out all the time, which i understand to be a intimidation posture, true?


L & K

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OMG, you have to introduce new toys slowly for it takes them some time to get used to them, lay them close by where she will not be afraid and then slowly over the next few days or weeks move them closer until she is not afraid of them then hang them in her cage, poor dear probably thought they were gonna attack her.


I would give her the shelled unsalted peanuts, those that come in their shells can contain a toxin that could kill her if ingested, take no chances, I buy the ones in a can, human grade for my birds.


It is normal for greys to tremble some especially in the chest area so not to worry about that but yes usually puffed up means do not approach.


She is making good vocalizations and that is one good sign she seems confortable in her new home.

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dang it...i didnt mean to scare her :( i took them out already. She made it pretty clear she didnt like them.


One more thing, last night with her door open, i crouched down infront of her cage and was talking to her. She didnt run away or anything, but kept vomitting in her mouth and swallowing whatever the stuff was, then would do it again over and over. And while this was going on she was making little noises and moving sideways on her perch left right left right..but not away from me. I really was confused because she didnt seem aggresive or scared, but the vomitting part was strange..what would that behavior mean? Is she sick?

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She was regurgitating for you, the ultimate gift from a bird, she loves you and even though this is a sign of affection don't encourage her to do this just thank her and go away for a moment. That can be so funny to someone who doesn't know that means she wants to feed you that she loves you but that is what it is, some people think it is gross.

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Hi Logan and Kihei, wlcome to the Forum. You are doing such a wonderful thing by offering a forever home to this older bird. How sad for the man who had to part with her. I'm glad you are reading through previous threads - there is a LOT to learn, and you're having to take it all in at once! Like the toys - you did the right thing taking them out again, but please do persevere with them - toys enrich their lives in so many ways, and you will get great pleasure watching her play with them. It may just take a while for her to accept them. Another important consideration is what to feed her. There are a number of foods which must never be fed to a grey - avocado, chocolate, alchohol to name a few - do a search for toxic foods.

I'm really looking forward to hearing how Kihei settles in with you, and perhaps seeing some pics of her? From the sounds of your last posts, it sounds like she is well on the way to making friends with you.

Lyn & Alfie


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Logan, my motto is to be safe rather than sorry. I live by the lists on this forum, and if I'm unsure of anything, I post the question on here. Before buying my baby I read a number of books on parrots, and greys in particular. I still argue that I have learned more on this forum with a couple clicks of my mouse than I did with the books. In any event, yes, Yay for you for recognizing that regurgitation early, my parrot has been doing it for months, and I thought he was dancing, so I stupidly started dancing for him at the same time. Now I just say, "I love you too Paco" and walk away for awhile, but it does feel good to know I'm that loved.


BTW, welcome!

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Oh Geez Logan, it doesn't bear thinking about! Like Extreme575 - I did a tone of research before I brought Alfie home, and still this forum has taught me more than all the books and websites did - I wish I'd found here sooner.

Please do ask if there is anything you're not sure of - we'd rather be reading inquisitive posts from you 50 times a day than....well - you get my drift! Lol - when I first got Alfie I was posting every crisis we came across - when I read them back now I groan - however did the forum put up with me!!! But they did - they really are a great bunch!

Another really bad thing, while we're on this subject, is teflon coated stuff. It may have been on the list, I can't remember, but teflon pans etc can kill a bird in minutes - avoid at all costs!

Edited by Talon
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