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What's the most intelligent thing your Grey has ever said.


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Tobie occasionally combines phrases or sticks a word from one phrase into another phrase that makes sense. Sometimes he uses a phrase that I can't believe I really heard him say. It was too smart. I wonder if other people are having this experience. I can give an example that I know I heard right because Frank heard it too. I was getting ready to leave and Tobie was in the cage. He kept saying "open the door" each time louder and with increased frustration as I ignored him. Finally loudly it was "Open the damn door" . We don't use profanity at our house but some weeks before Tobie had learned a different phrase from my husband using damn. He swaped phrases and did it appropriately. I've heard him say a new phrase that was just too smart for a bird to say. To me it was clear but later I doubted what I heard. I think it would be fun to hear what your birds are saying these days.

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Yeah they are really good at making up their own phrases I have also been surprised and they even have the words in the right contaxt so it makes sense.


Rangi came out the other night with " I am not a bird"......must admit he is right I mean what bird eats human food, sits on the couch everynight to watch TV, gets cuddles every night. Rangi knew the word I am not in another context and he also knew the word bird and then he just combined them to make a phrase.


Kea's pharse that made me laugh was "can I have a cat"....this was after her seeing the cat outside the window. I was like sure Kea you can have a cat that will be fun for you. So she knew can I have and she knew the word for cat and she also just made up the sentence using those words.

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Beau always says "bye" when I go into the hall to put my shoes on or to go upstairs LOL. He also says "come on then" when he knows it's time for him to come out - we have a ritual we go through partially drawing curtains and so on. I always say "come on then" when I open his door and offer him my hand to climb on to so he has learned that this means he is about to come out.

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Talon always says, "Be back soon, okay?" When I tell her to step up in the morning after I have showered and am ready to leave for work. She also does it any time I get a "special" noodle treat out of the cupboard, as she knows she only gets this type of noodle when I put her in her play cage which means I am leaving.


Rikki, Talon & NIlah (amazon) also say, "Time for nuh nites" and "Wanna go nuh nites" when it gets dark out before bed.

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Jan - I love that story of how Toby inserted a correct word, that put emphasis on what he wanted.


The others stories of a glimpse in to the mental processes of their parrots, shows high intelligence as well.


If we assusme all the data is correct in stating a mental comprehension level equal to that of a 5 or 6 year old child. Then I believe we will all be continually surprised and amazed by what our avian friends are telling us.


The hardest part for me, is trying to decide if Dayo is just "Talking" or if during some of those say 5 minute sessions there is an actual statement or request. An example of this would be whistling and saying random things, then you hear "drink of water". Does he perhaps want one?


Ive been at home this week taking care of Kim after she broke her ankle and had surgery. During this time I have had plenty of research time and found some great forums on cognitive abilities. It is believed by most, that our parrots are communicating a ton to us and we are missing it.


Now, this is driving me CrAzY. :P

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Awww. Sorry to hear of Kim's accident. :( Hope your being a good nurse and caretaker!


Dan wrote:

"It is believed by most, that our parrots are communicating a ton to us and we are missing it."


This, I believe is the truest statement, and yet, one that makes me sad...that in our very busy lives. we tend to miss most of these signs..:(


I believe that our birds are very capable of talking to us and communicating to us via our language. Talon always says, "Thirsty Bird" when she wants a drink, and yes...she is very picky, she prefers juice over water and will say it continually until one of us gets her some juice. Nilah, still calls me, "Bird" and then says in a relieved tone, "Hi Bird..." when she sees me. Talon and Rikki always say "Bye Bye" when I leave.

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As you all know, Harvey's not exactly Alex! But his favourite word is "Howay" - which means "come on" where I am from. I think he does use it in context. He often says it in the morning when I'm making his breakfast - almost as a "hurry up" prompt. Great thread Jane - I love learning about all these clever babies.


PS. Hope Kim gets better soon Dan x

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Jan, I love this story of Tobie making up his own sentence - he is such a star!

Jill - I'd love to hear Harvey saying Howay (I didn't know that was how you spell it!) It's a word I use quite a lot aswell, but Alf hasn't cottoned on yet!

Dan, sorry to hear about Kims ankle - I can empathize!! Hope she feels better soon. I recognise what you mean about our birds communicating with us while they are just going through their repertoire - Alfie will often be chattering away what seems like just pure chatter, but then she's throw in "have a whoopsie" and half a minute later she will, so now I pay more attention!!

Great thread.

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I have thought about the topic of this thread and can not figure out the most intelligent thing Dayo has said.


But I do know the dumbest thing he has said right after biting me...


"Are you ok?"


My response: Hell no!!! :confused:

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Keep in mind that I once described my sweet boy Dorian as 'more Dense-a than Mensa'. Given that fact that I buy him tons of toys and make even more, clean his cage more than I do my house, feed him a better diet than I eat, carry him around the house letting him make swiss-cheese of my hand and arm in the process, build my schedule around him so that he doesn't get lonely, and do probably a hundred other things to make his life as good as possible, I think the most intelligent thing he has ever said is - "I Love You"

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I have thought about the topic of this thread and can not figure out the most intelligent thing Dayo has said.


But I do know the dumbest thing he has said right after biting me...


"Are you ok?"




My response: Hell no!!! :confused:





What a comedian Dayo can be!! I also love that Harvey says Howay!!!




I can't think of anything specific for Emma but she certainly does make up her own phrases and alot of them give me a good chuckle.

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I have thought about the topic of this thread and can not figure out the most intelligent thing Dayo has said.


But I do know the dumbest thing he has said right after biting me...


"Are you ok?"


My response: Hell no!!! :confused:


LOL That is brilliant Dan - love it! Dayo is such a card.

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This is such fun, except for Kim's fracture. I hope it heals quickly.

When Tiernin, who will be five in June, is playing near PRECIOUS, they frequently start talkig to each other. We adults don't always catch all the conversation, but the two of them seem to understand each other perfectly. As an only child Tiernin's vocabulary is very adult, using adult words in context so of course Precious does also. It all seems to make sense.

Precious says, "Good-by, I love you, I'll be back," when I am getting ready to leave, but she waits until the others are actually out the door before she says "Byyyye" to them. When she wants to go to bed she asks, "Would you like to go to bed?" If she doesn't get a quick enough reply she sometimes adds "Good bye." She says, "Here's clean water" or just "Water" when she wants her water changed. She goes through her whole list of food when she thinks it's time to eat.

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Acapella-Yes I definitely think Dorian's phrase "I love you" shows his brain cells are functioning quite well. He knows how to work the system. Sometimes I think thats why Tobie can be so sweet at times and develish others. When he's sweet he is insuring that his bowl will get filled and his cage cleaned.

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Thanks, Everyone!


We say "Bye bye!" when we're leaving for a long time and "Be right back!" when we are just stepping out for a minute (e.g. taking out the garbage). Ursula is two but refuses to learn "Bye bye." Instead, she says "Be right back!" when we are leaving.


One day she was in her cage as I was saying "Bye bye" and leaving for work; she responded with "Be right back" and then used another phrase she has learned, which broke my heart: "It's OK." I say this when something scary has happened, she picked it up easily. "Be right back. It's OK. It's OK. Be right back," rang in my ears all day.

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New to the site, hoping to share all my Greys comments with you all, Syd probably the oldest Grey on here at around 47 maybe or a bit more. Well the day starts in the morning as i walk into his room with his toast (he loves toast) he looks up and say "morning, how are you, thank you, bye" all in one sentence, then I give him his toast and he reply's "thats all right" before I go to work I go into his room to say bye which is followed by "bye bye" follow by a "see ya later" or a "wont be long" and if I stand around to long listening to him he says a rather sarcastic way "bye" as if to say are you going! :-) and don't get me started on when I take him outsides...


Charles & Syd :-)

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I inherited Syd last Christmas from his late owner but have know Syd all my life, I say 47 as a guess, but could be older. I found a picture of Stan (his late owner) and Syd when Stan was in his late 30's and he died age 89 so could be 50 or more


I do know most things about Grey as I was very keen at a young age and now being the parent of Syd I'm even more keen, so if anyone has any question feel free to ask,





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