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Hi my name is Ray, I currently do not own any birds, I have been visiting the birds store in my home town of Odessa, Tx. I think the African Grey is a beautiful bird, and plan on getting one soon. Here is my question; I have never owned a bird before is the Grey too much of a bird for a first bird? The store owner says the grey is a great first bird as they are not as loud as other breads, also that they dont need as much attention as other birds.


One of the bird shops here has a grey on conceinment Mango is 2 1/2 years old, he was sold to a couple that can no longer keep him, and returned to the store that he was bought from. Have visited

"Mango" (<--- his name), quite a few times, he is a very loving friendly bird he is a little nervous at first, but I would be also if somebody was trying to hold me...lol. He has tried to nip, but I am sure it was my fault for moving to fast.


Also how are they around babies? My fiance and I are playing to start a family of our own, she already has a 2 yr old son, if you know 2 year olds. they want and grab everything. Thanks for a great place to talk about and display our fine feathered friends.


Any and all suggestions or comments are welcome.

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Welcome Ray!


To answer your questions specifically and especially in regards to one comment by the pet shop owner:


1. Greys do require attention and as much as you can give them, then they will still want more.

2. A Grey will bite, regardless of age, but the older they are, the more they will bite, if they do not want to do what your asking, like a step up.

3. You can not trust any parrot or even a dog for that matter around a young child and especially not an infant. Either the Parrot or the young child could do serious damage to the other. It will always take constant and close monitoring.


A couple of things to consider based on your place in life right now. A 2 year old child takes a lot of attention, an infant even more and 24/7 the first months. You may want to put off getting something as needful of attention and time wise like a Parrot for a few years down the road. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

Edited by danmcq
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Hello Ray,

Welcome! Thank you for asking the questions you have...not to discourage you at all; before purchasing a Grey, please read as much as you can on the Forum here.

It appears the store owner has only been partially truthful with you. Yes, they are "Somewhat quieter" than other parrots, most of the time. A Grey needs more attention than any other parrot plus the fact that this baby is a re-home. He will come with baggage due to the previous owner and being moved around so much. Here is a couple of posts you might want to start with.



He will need your constant waking attention. Remember, a Grey's mentality is up to a 6 year old but his emotions are that of a 2-3 year old. You won't be able to leave him alone anymore that you would leave your 2 year old. They are and can be very neurotic. A lot of Greys are "Returned" and "Rehomed" because a lot of these owners can't take care of the demanding requirements of these awesome creatures. I personally would recommend as a first bird, a hand-tamed, weaned cockatiel who you'd be able to teach your child to finger-perch and train from day 1. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?11-Other-Birds

These suggested birds are from breeders not pet stores. A hand-trained, hand-fed Green-cheeked Conure is also one of the quieter species. Another larger bird would be a hand-raised, hand-trained Mealy Amazon.http://www.greyforums.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?26-Amazon-Room

All that being said, I would not trade the experience of having Greys in our house for anything. If you are willing to basically devote your life to the Grey and accept that you are part of his flock, it can be a rewarding and enriching experience.Please read all you can...Jayd


Must read: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189315-Ten-Reasons-Not-to-Buy-a-Bird

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Thanks Dan, Dan is one of the most respected members. Ray, please don't be offended. A Grey should come with a psychology course. We only want you to be aware of what's involved in "Parronting" a parrot.

Please, no matter what your decision or what you want to do, look at us as your extended pet family.


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Do your homework first. That is, read all tthe advice from the experts here and be prepared for two or three times the amount of work and time everyone says these exceptional creatures require. These birds are not toys but are sentient beings and require the same kind of love, care, nutrition, love, patience and did I say love as a human child. The best to you.

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WOW thanks for all the advice and quick reply sounds to me like the store owner was just trying to make a sale.... =( The bad thing is I have gown very attached to a bird that may not be right for me or vice versa, I will read all the links thanks... I am sure I can take care of the bird, but when we do have a baby all that extra time might be out the window which isnt fair to Mango.


I understand that they are wild animals, but has anyone ever heard of one attacking, child, adult etc??? I am a previous owner of a few pit bulls, they have a bad rap, but it is all how you raise the dog; the 2 that I had "looked" ferocious but where sheeps in wolfs clothing. I have left both of them alone with kids, and never had a worry in the world that they would do any harm. Is it the same with birds?


I called the store owner and got the number of the previous owners, they say that Mango is very smart and did want a lot of attention, the reason they can no longer keep him is he is in the Armed forces and is being stationed in another country, and to get Mango to the other country would require a lot of paper work etc to get him there.


I am finding myself torn at the moment part of me wants to go pick up Mango and give him a loving home that he can grow old in, the other part of me knows that after our baby is born that I may not be able to be there for Mango all the time. Decisions, decisions, decisions..... Thanks all you have given me a lot to think about before I make my final decision.


One more thing, sorry for all the questions. What is average price for a grey? They are offering Mango, a 32"x48"x36" WxHxD cage, and 3' tall bird / feeding / watering stand for $1500.00 the store owner will give free beak, feather & claw trims for life. He states that I do not have to buy the food there, but IMO if I am getting something for nothing I feel bad for not giving something in return


Thanks again Ray

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Hello Ray and welcome to our family, you have come to the right place to learn much about the african grey, you are about to embark on a wonderful journey of a lifetime so let the parade of questions begin, oh sorry they already have, we have many knowledgeable members who will give you their advice.


If you do go ahead and get this grey you will have to commit to a certain amount of time and attention for this bird, if you are the type that can handle multiple committments then I would tell you to go ahead but if when you do have more children that would decrease substantially the time and attention this bird would get then wait until the children are older.


Regarding the 2 year old child, yes you will have to protect that child from getting too close to the bird, maybe limiting how much the bird is allowed out of the cage for most greys do not like young children because they are so quick moving, it scares the bejesus out of them and then the bird may bite.


That price sounds reasonable considering the cage and bird stand are included, the grooming additions are icing on the cake.


Please do consider this carefully as we do not like seeing a grey go into a new home only to end up having to go to yet another home, its not fair on the bird.

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I live alone and have a grey that I have raised since she was 4 months old. She is a great companion for me as I have oodles of time to spend with her. I am retired. When my younger grandsons are over, 9 month old, 4 and 9 nine years old, I keep my grey and my eclectus in their cages as I want all of them to be safe. Parrots bite when threatened. Kids scream, run and hit when they are scared. Not a good combination. Now my 10 year old grandson is very mature and very aware of the responsibilities involved in owning a pet or being around one. My grey loves him and wants to be with him all the time. I don't worry about either of them together. Gabriel knows that if Ana Grey lands on his shoulder he must turn his face away until Ana Grey is removed to perhaps avoid permanent scarring and lots of pain.


My grey is part of my family. Greys require a lot of a lot attention. As others have said just like a two-year old child. They are messy and demanding. Some people can manage two or more small children together all the time, some can't. This is just, of course, my personal opinion. Only you know your situation and the temperament of the people involved in your household.


Thumbs up to you Ray for caring enough about parrots and family to ask for information. Good luck with your decision.

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Thank you for reading all our negative and positive advice. Pet store owner, Beak trim? why this just isn't done except for a rare over growth condition, or a damaged beak!.. Ask this Pet store owner for Vet records or how to contact him, and when was the last time the Grey had a Well bird check up! You will need a Vet check right away. Please read: http://www.greyforums.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=213&catid=5&Itemid=4'>http://www.greyforums.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=213&catid=5&Itemid=4


Yes Grey's bite, you can be holding one and the next minute he'll draw blood, when a Grey doe's this you must remain calm and set the bird down and say, [something like] calmly,"don't bite" with out making a fuss, bleeding or not, and walk away like nothing happened, then return and give them loving as if nothing transpired...Since this is already a "Re-home", when you start your family, it would be devastating to the Grey...























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Everyone has given you excellant advice and experienced opinions. There is not much more I can add that others haven't already said, except one thing: Greys can be VERY jealous creatures, especially once they have bonded with that special person in their home, which sounds to me like you would be the chosen one. I know that personally, I would never have been able to handle a grey when my children were that young. My youngest is now 11 and we have had our birds for 4 1/2 years. Best of luck, I am sure you will make the best decision for everyone. :)

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Again thanks for all the replys and advice, I have read a lot about the birds, and I really would like to bring Mango home and give him a long loving life, however do to most comments I think it would be in his best interest for Mango to stay at the store until someone that does have the time can get him and take care of him. This was no easy decision by any means like I have said just the few hours I have visited him I feel like we are a match, but I know in my heart and in my mind that he does deserve some one better then me dont get me wrong I am not saying that I am a bad person, I just dont think I can dedicate most of my time to him like he will need espically when my fiance gets here I think it would break his heart me giving her all the attention.


Again many many thanks for being honest and not sugar coating the facts and needs of any bird, the pet store owner I think was looking for a fast buck, and not concerned for the bird and his well being. I pray that one day I will be able to show pixs of my new feathered friend right here in these fourms; I just know that now is not the time espically with what I hope my future holds of being a father one day. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!


With warmest thoughts for all


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Ray, there's no doubt in any of our mind's that you would make a perfect parront, no question about it... When the time comes, you'll know it. Don't stop reading, don't stop the forum, keep asking question's and stay our friend, like Grey's, for life...



P.S. You deserve all the good that life will bring you and yours, I'm sending you a friend request, I hope you'll accept it...

Edited by Jayd
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Hi Ray and Welcome to our Family. The others have all given A1 advice - and I have personal experience of my grey with toddlers/infants. Harvey is absolutely fascinated with my two nieces (2 and 5) and flies at them constantly. He is now put in his cage when they come around as he will not leave them alone.


I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him (which is a long way as he is flighted!!) with them - I could definitely see a nip here or there occuring.


You sound an extremely level headed, intelligent guy - and even by asking the questions that you have asked shows that you are not taking this lightly. The time will come when you feel you can offer a grey a good home, and this grey will be one lucky birdie! Keep reading, keep researching. Your day will come x

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Ray - It's great to see you are taking this all in and weighing out the pros and cons.


I know your heart is telling you to help Mango and that is one of the strongest tugs we all experience. Just keep thinking things through as you are doing.


One note on any critter and young children. Children are unpredictable and so are our pets, no matter what a cuddle muffin they are.


I have had Dobermans many years and most are very gentle.


One of my very young (5 year old) grandchildren ran over and grabbed\hugged "Blade" as he was sleeping on the couch. That quick nip from Blade as a warning took 6 stitches in the cheek on one side a 2 stitches on the other side from the fangs. You just never know what may happen.


Also, this dog would run around with these grand kids, let them pull his ears, lay across his back, chase him and he would run as if they were a threat is sheer glee having big fun with them.


This damaged our relationship with our grandchildrens mother and in-laws for a long time, even though it was not the dogs fault, he was blamed and was put to sleep as a "Viscous" dog. This is because it was a face bite, regardless of the circumstances. It broke our hearts to see that love muffin put to sleep for simply being startled and reacting while half a sleep. It also broke our hearts because the second loss was of not being able to see our grandchildren for a while and being accused of not being responsible pet owners by the in-laws.


It took 3 years for this nightmare to blow over....


Most of here have a ton of experience and can answer all your questions from that experience which will hopefully help you out in the future. :-)

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