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What needs to be taken into consideration........!


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A baby grey is the most sweet, loving, caring creature when you bring them home. Have you got the right equipment? I'm not talking about the cage or the toys, I'm talking about the hand held hoover, the extra washing up liquid, the alarm clock?


If you work you have to take into consideration that at least 20 minutes of your time in the morning is making their breakfast and preparing their food and entertainment for the day ahead. So, if like me you have an early start anyway, you need to set that alarm earlier.


Your house changes - are you house proud? Yes, you can certainly train them to "go poop" in the correct places - but accidents still happen - do you have carpet cleaner for those incidents? Unless you live in a plastic/metal palace - everything is chewable. I mean everything.


Do you enjoy sitting watching TV quietly, seeing a full film with surround sound, HD quality - but no interruption? Well, having an AG won't fit in with your lifestyle! Unless you lock it in it's cage - there is no peace.


Cleaning - it's constant. To keep your parrot healthy and germ free it is an effort to clean the cages and stands your parrot occupies. I am not joking - set asides at least 2 hours for a cage and a stand. Do you have this time. Cages also need changing daily, stands need cleaning - you don't want poop lying around, and neither does your parrot.


I seriously could go on and on and on and on - but for potential parrot owners it is PARAMOUNT that the above is taken into consideration.


I read too many threads about "naughty this, and naughty that" - but they are parrots. They are wild birds. They mature - they develop, they test their boundaries. They test your patience. It's not a hamster - it won't just go to sleep and be quiet. Imagine life with a two year old toddler, that never grows up.


Still want one?

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Lol...I don't think you forgot a life change that I have made since i got my baby. Sure...it was slightly more than I thought it was going to be, but in both good ways and bad ways. However, i wouldn't say that watching a movie is totally out of the question, you just can't give your undivided attention to the movie and you might be pressing pause a few times. You did say 'uninterrupted' though..and that cannot be the case. Often, Issac will sometimes preen while I am playing a video game or watching a movie. That is usually good for 30-40 minutes of relaxation.


Also, i would love one of those little handheld vacuums, I still have to break out the big upright for now. I also rip through bottles of Woolite Oxy Clean for the carpet. I actually have a stain removal method perfected. (Thankfully the carpet is tan though...that helps. ;)


As far as pre work rediness, I actually get up early enough to spend about 1.5 hours with my baby. Talking to him like another person, trying to play with him when he is into it...and ohh the showers. I probably waste a bit of water because I know that when I trun it off, Issac will stop chatting. So I will sit there listening to him just a little bit longer.


There can be no doubt, anyone who has a concept that you buy one of these guys, throw them some seed, and wait for words is going to have a serious awakening. A parrot is seriously the most underestimated pet of all time. They are clever enough to try you in ways you never thought possible. That said, if you can come to terms with the responsibility, they are the best of friends and offer a lifetime of rewards for good care. :)



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However, i wouldn't say that watching a movie is totally out of the question,


Not being funny or anything Stephen - but Isaac is still a baby, just wiat till he finds his voice - then see how your movie watching goes!! ;) You'll be in the middle of the best film you've seen in yonks, it'll be at the crucial bit in the film where you find out who did what to whom, and why they did it, and Isaac will decide "this is a good time to whistle that new tune I just learned"!!!!!

Seriously though Jill, good thread - I've been meaning to start something like this for ages!

Two things I did ask when we got Alf, will she bite, and will she be friendly with us both, and not with just one of us - we were told, nooooo she won't bite, she might "beak you a bit", but they don't really bite, and yes, she'll be fine with both of you - grey's being one person birds are a myth. We've had issues on both counts, but for the Grace of God, and I think Alfie being an exceptionally well-adjusted bird, we've gotten over both.

All too often when people want to get a new pet, whatever that is - dog, parrot - snake, they don't ask the questions they don't want an honest answer too - ie the answer that might put them off. I was guilty of it aswell. David said, "but do they not crap everywhere?" I said "Nah, you can potty train them" (convincingly!). As you say Jill - these are questions that must be asked before you get a parrot. The conseqences of finding out that you are not compatible with a parrot 6 or 12 months down the line, are upsetting to a human, but are devastating and tragic for the bird. The sad fact is, too many people go into birds with their eyes shut. I've said it before, but I think one should have to pass an exam of some sort to prove competancey before being allowed to keep any pet, but especially a parrot, because there is just so much involved in looking after them.

As Stephen has said, "if you can come to terms with the responsibility, they are the best of friends and offer a lifetime of rewards for good care". Sadly, too many people decide they are simply not worth the effort.

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GreYt thread!


Most people don't think about the life the critters live.


They only think about how and where that "Token" pet should be.... Then if outside doesn't work either, they end up in pounds, dropped in the country or rescues....

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Not being funny or anything Stephen - but Isaac is still a baby, just wiat till he finds his voice - then see how your movie watching goes!! ;) You'll be in the middle of the best film you've seen in yonks, it'll be at the crucial bit in the film where you find out who did what to whom, and why they did it, and Isaac will decide "this is a good time to whistle that new tune I just learned"!!!!!


I hope you are right! :)

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Also being responsible for finding someone to give your grey another forever home, is something that should be taken into consideration. Especially for someone like me over 60 with almost 2 year old grey who will outlive me. Luckily I have a grandson who has already stepped up to the plate.

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It is a shame that the bird trade is not populated with really honest representations of these special beings and what they require of us. I liken it to somewhere between having a dog and having a small human toddler. Money drives the worst behavior in humanity and that is at the root of misplaced birds. I have to honestly say that having a bird has actually made a more responsible person out of me. The beauty, majesty, and intellegence is what drives my love for Issac.

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My understanding is Precious has an IQ someplace around that of a five year old but her emotional age is closer to that of a three. And yes, the work can get out of hand for someone my age. The only person in my family who has a life expectancy equal to hers is my great grand-daughter. However, as I have said many times I still would not exchange this experience for anything in the whole world!

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My understanding is Precious has an IQ someplace around that of a five year old but her emotional age is closer to that of a three. And yes, the work can get out of hand for someone my age. The only person in my family who has a life expectancy equal to hers is my great grand-daughter. However, as I have said many times I still would not exchange this experience for anything in the whole world!


Very well said Howardine. Jill I would give you karma for starting this thread if I had it to give but here karma+

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