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Lost my baby


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I am so sorry to hear your grey flew out of his cage and I pray that you find him safe and sound.


Putting up the posters is a good start but go door to door in your neighborhood and ask your neighbors to be on the lookout for him, go to your local vets, pet stores or anywhere you think that someone might have sighted him and didn't know who he belonged to and told them about. Put his cage outside with food and water in it in the hopes he might see it and go in. Please don't give up for he is out there somewhere, spread the word, let it be known you are looking for him so if someone does sight him they will contact you. I will keep you and your baby in my thoughts and prayers that he is found and I hope it is very soon, keep us informed.

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Do listen for him calling as dusk approaches, can you get up high somewhere close and have a good look with binoculars? Keep calling and ask the local children to keep a look out they do not miss much and are likely to have noticed something or some one with a new bird.

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Hi Judy

Its been ages since I've talked to you. Thanks for your advice. I've done everything I could possibly do now ! Friday last she was spotted on the roof of a shop about 2 miles away, and yesterday she was in a garden not too far from the shop. But neither could catch her. She must be very tired and hungry now so I don't think she could fly much further. I brought my lovebird with me last night and this morning in the hope that Bobby would hear her call. I've talked to hundreds of people about her and given them my phone number. I've even contacted a Dublin radio station. I don't think theres much else I can do now except wait for a call.( Please God let someone call ) I miss her very much : (

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You need to urge these people NOT to try and catch her. She is obviously still alive and well, but obviously very scared. She is never, ever in a million years going to come to them. You need them to leave her and contact you as you will probably be the only person she comes to. She is out there - she needs you and she obviously isn't far. Good luck, fingers crossed - if you can get to her I am sure there will be a very happy ending.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been there, done that, and there's nothing else I can do now !

Except.....hope she was taken in by somebody nice who'll look after her well.

I have to get on with life without her now.

At least I still have ' Bailey ' , her cage mate & friend.

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Hi Marion, sorry you stil haven't found your baby. Perhaps if you think she has gone further affield, you could do the same - more posters in neighbouring towns etc. I know it must be dreadfully hard for you not to know, but there still has to be a little hope of finding her. We're thinking of you and praying for her safe return. x

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  jjck23 said:
hello my name is jack . I have found your baby because . if you would pm me i will give you details about my where abouts. i live in the tallaght area.

Fingers crossed with prayers, please pm her......Jayd, Maggie and Spock

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