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My Amazon is a Klingon!


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Lately Sunshine has been refusing to get off me. I let him sit on me a lot while I'm working at the computer or in the kitchen but lately I've been having to literally peel him off me, toe by toe. He just turned a year old. Are his hormones starting to kick in? He tries to feed me often as well. Furthermore he is constantly climbing on top of my head. I tell him no and I scold him but he'll do it again at the next opportunity. That really annoys me. What do you think?

Edited by SunnyBird
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I think Sunshine loves you! Harvey's a bit like that at the minute - but I'm relishing in it - because I know that a good old bite is probably round the corner! Harvey would happily sit and press his beak into my cheek all day - he just sits there! The head thing is a pain - I swat Harvey off before he has a chance to land!

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Hello, A Amazon mature anywhere from around 5 to 12 years old, when they do, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's over aggressive and rough. Like the Jilly said," someone is in love"!!! If this is hormonal, remember the rules: say I love you, thank you and walk away...No touching anywhere but head and neck...



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Sunshine like any little kid is trying to see "how far can I go." Because Ana Grey can now fly I just tell her no and gently swat her away. She has gotten really good with the phrase "Stop that" because she has heard it so often! She loves to sit on my computer screen and beak the off button! Just be consistent and firm as you would a small child. Redirect Sunshine to some other preferable activity perhaps.

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Hello, A Amazon mature anywhere from around 5 to 12 years old, when they do, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's over aggressive and rough. Like the Jilly said," someone is in love"!!! If this is hormonal, remember the rules: say I love you, thank you and walk away...No touching anywhere but head and neck...




But wait - if they mature between 5 and 10 then it can't be hormonal!? I hope not - I hope he just sees me as mommy and is trying to test his limits while at the same time being needy. I don't want to stop touching him now that he is so affectionate with me. One of our favorite things is when he lifts his wings while I dig my nose into his armpits and kiss and give him raspberries.... we both enjoy it, the cuddling. It's so warm and soft in there.... I'm in love with a Klingon... :o maybe because I'm one of them too?

Sorry Spock - but they are part of the federation now, aren't they??292px-Klingon_Bird-of-Prey..jpg

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I think your amazon is very fond of you so you should just enjoy it while it lasts because it might turn different when he matures. I think that is so cute that you have to pry his talons off of you, of course I have had to do that with my conure a few times too.

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