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Hot Peppers?


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Hey all...


Had a quick question about your bird's diet.....I've offered Bismark just about everything from the produce section of the grocery store, and have narrowed down some of his favorite foods.....He doesn't seem to be a fan of fruit (except apples - seedless of course) - pretty much just tosses it out of his cage....He LOVES corn on the cob; eats all the kernels and then shreds the cob - it's unfortunate that, to my understanding, corn is essentially junk food....His faves are beats, broccoli, green beans, and sweet potatoes (sometimes).


However: he LOVES hot peppers....Hot peppers of any kind! Habanero, jalapeno, cayenne, chile, serrano, mirasol, etc etc. The Harris Teeter near my house has a large selection of fresh peppers, and I've gotten into the habit of buying 3 - 4 different kinds a week and offering them to him almost every day (along with other veggies)...


Peppers are good for them right? Any harm in feeding them to Bismark on a consistent basis? Are there any other greys out there who like to spice things up?


.....If Bizzy gets anywhere close to my face after eating one of those the smell makes my eyes water haha

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Hot peppers are fine, really try hard to get him to eat his Dark green leafy veggies, really important food!! Some of are fid's we put a whole leaf and stem through the cage bars, others we chop, and some we mix in their Smash and Mash...Carrots are also important, slightly cooked...



Bill harrison:


Edited by Jayd
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Yup, I have to offer peppers as well. I've posted before, Paco is going through a phase where he will only eat his veggies if they are slightly steamed, peppers included. I do a mixture of different peppers along with leafy greens, and other different veggies. I had been feeding him corn but had to stop, he put on an incredible amount of weight in short amount of time!

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I have not tried cooking/steaming any veggies yet. I always offer fresh and raw...


I've seen material online about special casseroles-like things you can bake for them - I'll def give it a try someday....Right now I'm trying to get him to eat more pellets and less seeds... :-\

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Steaming of

Vegetables: Carrots (cooked slightly for better assimilation of beta carotene) Green Leafy veggies are a must [dandelion greens,collards, mustard,kale,carrot tops some swiss chard and spinach].

Birdie Bread [Yum], Corn meal muffin mix [Jiffy] 2 eggs. [shells and all, washed good], 2 small jars of organic baby food,[don't ad water] and what ever else you bird likes... Beak Appetite is a excellent brand of cooked food.


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here is a foraging toy idea for you and your bird. try hanging a red pepper from the cage. before you hang it, fill it with kale, and spinach. maybe this will become a game for your little one and just maybe he will look forward to the yummy and healthy treat inside. i have hung peppers from mojos cage and he loves them!

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