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What brand of Aloe Vera Juice do you use for your Grey's?


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When I went to the health food store to purchase the Aloe Vera, there were so many kinds and brands to choose from. Gels, juice and distilled liquid from the leaves. It seemed like the gels had preservatives etc..and I think the juice did as well. I am open to trying the aloe vera juice as I want to spray my Grey as he doesn't like to take baths.

Please let me knoe the brand and type of Aloe that is best for putting in a spray bottle.


Thanks very much



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You'll pay more at any health food store for any products they sell. Aloe Vera Juice can be purchased at large department store that have a pharmacy located inside the store. A popular place to get this item is Walmart but other places also have it.It's very inexpensive.

Aloe Vera Gel can be purchased in just about any pharmacy and if they're out of the product, they'll order it. Some departmant stores also carry it in the pharmacy section. But your best bet is a pharmacy. Also very inexpensive.

These are samples of both. Pay attention to the wording on each.



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No, there's no preservatives in aloe gel--that's why the bottle says 100 % pure. Aloe gel is usually purchased by people for their own use such as dry or brittle skin, skin moisturizers and scales. It just so happens that aloe gel is also very good for parrots who have extremely dry areas, minor cuts or wounds from overplucking etc. It can also be used on beaks that are extremely scaly. Some people use it on their bird's feet and legs which are also scaly.Some people use it on beaks simple tolessen the amount of scratches that all parrots will get as they get older and do much more scraping of their beaks on things such as mineral blocks or other sandy areas. Aloe gel is totally non toxic so if a bird ingests it, there's no problems. It's best to get the type that's pictured. It doesn't have to be the same brand, only 99% to 100% pure. As I said, pharmacies are your best bet. The bottle in the picture costs approx $5.


Aloe Vera Juice does have a small amount of preservatives in it but only people who drink it should be worried about that but they usually drink it much quicker. It's usually recommended by a doctor for digestive and othe stomach problems. That's why it also has added vitamins ( for people)

BUT Aloe Vera Juice is only used on the skin of birds to act as a skin softener and to releive extra dry skin which all greys have. Many people use it on their birds even if they don't need it. It's always good for the skin which is the area that a person should be aiming at. The juice on the outer feathers does no good because greys'' outer feathers are totally water proof. Aloe juice can be kept in the fridge or room temperature. 1 gal should last about 8 to 12 mts depending upon how often you use it. 2x a week is very good. Some use it 1x a week. Some use it 5x a week. getting the skin soaked with it is your main goal.

It's also non toxic, very inexpensive. Also, you can get another brand if you like. Just pay attention to the label--99% to 100% pure. If you have a Walmart near you, try that. Also, if they don't have it, they will also order for you.

The bottle above is 1 gal and costs approx $9


Dilute--forget that. old bird wive's tale--use it straight.

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