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While Yoshi is still screaming, it has mellowed out a bit! We have been making sure to give her an earlier bedtime, and have the TV upstairs working again... so she has more to listen to while we are gone. Whether that makes a difference, I am not certain. Besides that, we have just been keeping up the same routine, putting her in her cage for a timeout and stating 'no Yoshi' after putting her in her cage. We try not to make it a big deal, but more of a 'you know screaming isn't good, so off you go.' It is less frequent lately, and instead she has been trying to make sounds for attention instead :D I think she is realizing that while the yelling gets her put into her cage, the cute sounds she makes get her excited responses from the other room and attention... no talking still but she has actually picked up this super weird clucking/gobbling sound like a chicken... well she was at the breeders for a week and a half in December and she has a tame duck and chicken running about... that's the only place I can think of :x Unless I'm hearing it wrong. It's funny though, I've laughed at her a couple times doing it and now she does it every day.

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You are making progress Jess, not a lot but some and there is hope that one day she will do it less and less, just keep up what you are doing but it sounds like she is figuring out that those cute sounds are attention getters.


Josey does some sounds that are like a chicken and she has never been around one, I think it is just some of her vocalizations, some of them are hard to explain but they are cute.


She still has plenty of time to talk and maybe when she does start talking the screaming will subside some, at least that is the plan.

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Good to hear some progress Jess, I get the chicken noise as well, and I know that Paco has never seen one in his life. So I agree with Judy, I think it is a parrot noise that they develop on their own. I now have a strange noise that has started, it's sort of a click cluck, I know I recognize it, but I don't know from where...

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