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Issac Week 22


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Okay, so since Issac has sort of flattened out on doing new things, I will go ahead and explain a typical day in my life with Issac.


At about 7:30 - 8:00AM, I wake up and peek into a corner of Issacs cage behind his cage cover. Then I always say, "Good Morning, boy!" a few times before letting him out. Issac is always out when I am around. I love for him to have his free time around the house. I then ask him 'Wanna eat?' where he promptly begins to make microwave sounds. Then we proceed to go through our eating ritual where he flies around like a banshee from my shoulder to the microwave, to his atom, to the fridge top, beeping like crazy. Once fed, we go hang out on the couch for a half an hour till I have to shower for work. We play with some foot toys and I talk to him.


Then we go to the shower where Issac sits on the curtain rod making every sound he can think of while the water is running. I say common phrases to him in hopes of something close back. Sometimes I hear whistles or whoops that sound like the inflexion of a 'Hello'. Then I get out a groom, and Issac wants to be a part of this process badly. He goes for my brush as I am brushing. And I have to do everything I can to keep him away while I floss and brush...but he just thinks it's one of the most exciting things of the day. Honking and going after my hands while I do these things.


Okay, time for work, chop up a bowl of veggies and replace the other dishes, and Issac bids me a sad request not to leave by clawing at the bottom corner of his cage with a couple of coos, and I am off. I leave some music or kid shows going for him as well.


Return home about 4PM and free my baby again, feeding time again with a similar ritual as morning. Issac seems a bit more vocal lately than typical, I love to hear him make noise because they sounds are pretty pleasent. While I clean dishes or vacuum, Issac likes to ride my shoulder and be in on all the action. He certainly is an inquisitive lil guy, I honestly cannot do a thing without him...but this doesn't bother me at all. Still trying to get a handle on the pooping locations. Until that happens, I have resigned myself to spot cleaning my carpet 10-15 times a day. Anyway, sometimes I stay home with him after i get off work, and other times I ahve to leave for an hour or two. Always leaving him fresh veggies. His favorite little snack is pasta and red palm oil, he seems to love it more and more all the time. As the vening winds down, Issac will either perch on my shoulder or knee and preen for a good 30-45 mins...showering me in tiny downy feathers. I have to remember to exhale when he flutters a big group off, or I will be snorting them. When he is not preening, I am baiting him with foot toys, and he can sometimes get into it to the point where my hand better not be on a toy or in the way...he will rush them and attack them with vigor...sometimes flinging them away. It's usually only foot toys that get him going like this. What up with that? LOL. He has been much better about allowing me to get him into his cage, he still doesn't like me leaving, but he has stopped the chases for now. He does now have some places, that he knows I do not want him going, but he still goes there. Tries to eat my plants and take the grill off the center channel speaker of my stereo system. Little rascal gets a kick out of making me move. ;)


Other things of note, those eyes are getting lighter all the time. I ordered some Queen plam nuts in hope of giving Issac the pleasure of knowing what Palm Nuts are. I also ordered the Training DVD from goodbirdinc.com and hope to learn some helpful things there. Have to try to see if I can get the aviator on my baby again someday too. This is a tough one. I suppose the next big purchase I make will be a travel cage.


That is all for now. Still being a sweet bird and evolving in his personality. Thanks for following the story of my Issac. :) More new pics from today below.






Edited by Elvenking
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Ohh...one other event I forgot to mention. This morning, my conure, Pedro, was startled by something, flew....and landed no where other than Issacs cage. Now I have told you all about how when Issac lands on Pedro's cage...Pedro is not welcoming at all. Well, this morning, Issac thought he would reciprocate that sentiment. Issac flew from my shoulder to the area of his cage where Pedro was perched. Issac beared down on Pedro looking down on him and fluffing himself up huge!! My conure looked quite tiny and intimidated at this time and was not his nippy little self. So I had to go over and pick one of them up but they both got on me and were giving each other the evil eye...doing little lunges at each other. Thankfully I got them separated before it got ugly. Not sure what they would do if left alone..but I didn't want to find out! Just a small addendum. ;)

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Thanks for the update Stephen... Tell me, what do you use for the foot toys? I can't get paco to show any interest in foot toys at all. If I try to play with anything with him he just looks at me like I'm on crack and moved my hand back to his head with his beaks to scratch.

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Thanks for the update Stephen... Tell me, what do you use for the foot toys? I can't get paco to show any interest in foot toys at all. If I try to play with anything with him he just looks at me like I'm on crack and moved my hand back to his head with his beaks to scratch.


I use these small little plastic balls made for cockatiels. They usually come in a string of 4 for about $1.60. He can destroy one in about 20 mins. He gets all out of hand if I start playing with them with him. Gotta watch my hands with these.


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Issac is changing rapidly almost daily from your weekly posts.


They are inquisitive and like to be involved and try to help out in their own way, be helping you sherd something, give little and gentle nips to encourage you onwards and of course vocalize with glee during all the hustle-bustle.


These weekly updates are GreYt! :-)

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Great! Thanks Stephen, I'll give them a try. Paco's playing is always an independent activity, usually involving him hanging upside down from something while he attacks with his beak and screams like a dinosaur. I don't go near him then! Other than that, the big game is "Nip the Toes and Run Like Hell". I don't find that game nearly as funas he does.

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... the big game is "Nip the Toes and Run Like Hell". I don't find that game nearly as funas he does.


LOL...now there is a 'foot' toy! Also, it does seem that when Issac hangs upsidedown, he also wants to squawk like some kind of dinosaur. It freaks me out when he does it from my shirt sleeve, because he gets all 'beaky' when he is doing that.


@Jayd: I will have to look for the little wicker balls. He loves plastic he can break. These little balls, the caps to bottles and containers...if it can be turned into pieces, he seems to like it.


@Dan: They do seem to want to communicate and do things with you so much. I constantly find how interactive they are amazing.

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