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Greetings from Seattle!

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Hi, my name is Jeanna and the feathered love of my life came home on March 20. I've had him almost a month now and can't seem to find the right name for him because none of them seem to fit quite right. He is the happiest bird I've ever met though! I've had birds for most of my 22 years of life: three cockatiels and a cherry head conure, as well as finches and doves and chicks and ducklings. Now I have a bird who will hopefully stay with me for the rest of my life! I'm so happy to have found this online community, I'm sure it will be extremely helpful for me as a new grey owner. I'll post some pictures and stories of my bird in the nursery next, maybe you guys can help me name him!

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Hi Jeanna and welcome to our family! Get that bird a name!! Your grey will learn his name very quickly and will answer when you call him!! I hope you'll enjoy it here - there are so many knowledgeable people who can help you out. I too had a cockatiel - and sharp found out the contrast between my cockatiel and my grey - the differences are HUGE! Harvey (my grey) is far more entertaining, but equally far more frustrating in some of the things he does, but a grey will be a grey!


Any questions you have - go ahead and ask them - nothing is deemed stupid. Please read through the posts of the veggies and fruits that are toxic, some things that you would never dream of. Can't wait to see some photos either! Hope you enjoy it here, and welcome again x


PS. If I had another grey I would call him "Archie" !

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Hi Jeanna. You didn't say if your grey a baby or older. Perhaps once we learn more about your grey maybe we can help with the naming. I didn't find a name for my grey until I had a chance to get to know her and then her name just popped into my head. Ana Grey is my little sweetheart. Jeanna, I'm looking forward to hearing more about your grey and seeing some pictures. Welcome to the Grey family!

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Welcome from south of Seattle, AHHH, Navy time, Bremmington,Wa, Earth Quake on Space Needle, so long ago, I remember it well...War of 1812!!! Sorry, this is a bird site and I was being a bird brain...Name you baby or he might name him self, like " Pookey-pookey-po" or something you've said around the house like "oh no not that". Glad your here....Jayd

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Hello Jeanna and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this as yet un named baby grey.


I saw your pictures before I saw this post and I must say you have one good looking grey, he is absolutely adorable.


Please do read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Hi Jeanna and your yet to be named baby Grey from a little north of you. I'm in Vancouver, so it's nice to know that I have someone online that understands my rain complaints. Our friends from the sunny UK just don't understand... Sigh!


In all seriousness, welcome, now name your baby! If I hand't found Paco to be so funny that he makes me crack right up and laugh out loud, his name would have been Cooper.

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Welcome Jeanna,

Don't fret about finding a name for your baby - the right one will present itself.

This site was a Godsend to me when I first got Alfie, I'm sure you wil find it very useful.

Looking forward to hearing more about your flock.

Lyn & Alfie.

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I'm in Vancouver, so it's nice to know that I have someone online that understands my rain complaints. Our friends from the sunny UK just don't understand... Sigh!


Ha Ha Ha! Oh yes, tropical it is here!! I just don't know how those floods happen! Anyway - doesn't it only snow in Vancouver - it's only famous for the WINTER Olympics!!!

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Ha Ha Ha! Oh yes, tropical it is here!! I just don't know how those floods happen! Anyway - doesn't it only snow in Vancouver - it's only famous for the WINTER Olympics!!!


Haha, I always heard that the UK was just as miserable and rainy as it is here! I don't know about Vancouver, but we have the best summers in Seattle. It gets really warm and sunny without any of the unbearable heat or humidity, plus a nice gentle breeze to keep things cool. Except when we have a heat wave for weeks like last summer and all the AC and fans are sold out everywhere.

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Ha ha Jill! I was waiting for you to bust me! Actually, we don't even really get that much snow, and when it does, we all go into a panic and stay home. We had to have the snow brought in from the interior by dump-truck and helicopter at astronomical costs. Jeanna, your weather is our weather, that's how close we are.

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