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introducing new experiences to a 10 week old


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Hi there..

I am looking for some advice about introducing things to dusty at the right time.


Dusty is now 10 weeks old, eating formula 3 times a day, trying out all sorts of new solid foods, learning to climb, playing well and enjoying light misty showers every morning.

He is still under quarantine from Missy the senegal. so he is still in his baby/roost/travel cage.

He seems quite fearless and has already learnt that if I say "big noise" then he can be calm when the hairdryer is on etc.

I understand that usually people would normally get a grey quite a few weeks older, so having him from 8 weeks i understand is very young. maybe i could get information from breeders who are still handling birds at 10 weeks of age.


I am taking everything super slow, I do not want to rush anything. but my questions are these:


He is very afraid of outside. I can only carry him close to me to the back door of the house, but not actually outside. I know he is just afraid of the big bad world and predators.

At what age should I start getting him used to the thought of going outside?


He has only ever been to the vet in the car, at what age should I start getting him used to car rides?

(I suppose liking outside would help)


Also while he is learning to trust humans (the three humans in the house have been well instructed on how to behave) how do i socialize him with strangers (neighbours and friends), if I think that the strangers will be very nervous and thereby make Dusty more nervous?

( I cant give everyone I good talking to about appropriate behavior can I?... or is this just accepted as being part of a baby parrot owner?)

And at what age would it be okay to introduce him to these weird strangers that dont know not to jerk away and stuff?


Any advice would be appreciated..?

Edited by Dusty
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Go for it, socialize, car rides, get a Aviator harness and use it!!! Yes, explain "How to treat a Parrot" to your friends, Dusty is going to live with you, not them...No chills or sudden change of temperatures, take water and food that he is use to when you go out, not to much handling from stranger, least they wash there hands, and no stranger kissing...When doing this, keep talking, explaining what and why your doing it... Let him touch with his beak the door, fridge ,headrest ,window etc....Say "Yes" to what he can have and "no to what he can't. and explain why....Jayd


Note: to our new Grey't members that don't know it, Spock, our arrogant Grey is our head bird, and Maggie, [my better half] sometimes writes as his ghost writer and "Spock here, My Red tail, I do my own writing, I ===Spock!!! Stop it....Sorry

Edited by Jayd
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Oh I do love a man who will admit that their wives are their better halves! Well done that man!! :P


I agree with Jay - show Dusty everything. At that age they are amenable to change and introduction of new things. Leave it longer and you may kick yourself. Don't even risk taking him in the garden without a harness - he may not have fledged just yet, but that will be just around the corner.


Harvey HATES the car with a passion! I always use a carrier in the car, it is too traumatic to both of us if he is just harnessed. I tried it once, never again.


Show Dusty the windows, the cupboard his food is kept in, his cage, his stand, his toys......


You can try and introduce him to a whole load of different people, but it still doesn't mean he will ever bond with them. Harvey's had equally the same input between my husband and I, but Harvey only "tolerates" my husband. He doesn't let him tickle him or anything like that. Dusty will choose who he wants to be friends with - on the other hand, you may be lucky - he might love everyone!


Good luck - it's a great time when they are babies! Enjoy it - it sharp changes :P

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Talk to you grey has you would a child. Tell Dusty why you are doing what. They understand. Ana Grey cocks her head and listens intensely when I talk to her. Her new phrase, "want some apple" and I immediately repeat it and run and get her some apple. If she asks for a kiss, "give me kiss", I make the kissing sound. She general kisses me on the cheek. Dusty is very trusting and pliable now. You are his flock. Whatever you do, don't break that trust and he will be bonded to you like glue.

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Hi there,


thank you so much jayd, jillybeans and luvparrots! I do try to associate phrases and words with everything I do with him but I will keep it up!

And I will start exposing him to new things right away, I think it will be easier now that he can keep his balance doing things, he seemed like too much of a baby before when he was still getting his footing.

I will take Dusty around and show him everything!


:-) shame poor harvey, thats cute he probably wants to come bug you while youre driving!


I am enjoying the baby time (besides all the stress, making sure formula is just right, weighing him, he really is a baby) but the wonderful part is how he wants to snuggle up before he goes to sleep, and how he tries to let me know he needs to poop and he *MUST CLIMB OFF* even though I dont mind if he poops on me.


thank you all for the advice, your greys just seem like the happiest birds! and that makes me happy!


I have to say, the one nice thing i like about this forum is that, with all the wonderful information you find on the internet, the horror stories make you think that generally parrot owners dont have it all together.. but here I get to meet people with well loved and well looked after birds.


ooh lightning, have to get off the pc..


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"''how he tries to let me know he needs to poop and he *MUST CLIMB OFF* even though I dont mind if he poops on me""". Time for "Potty training" AS you know, a Grey "squats and wiggles his tail" before he bombs, set up poop stations around the house and when he doe's the squat, take him to one of them, praise him and have little treat for him..They learn quick...lol


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Potty training is very helpful, especially when having your baby with you on the couch or while you are wearing a nice top :P It didn't take Yoshi long to learn, but her wings were unfortunately clipped before we brought her home so she must be taken to her potty spot. As long as I remember about every 20 minutes to take Yoshi to her stand or cage and say 'Go Eww' she poops in no time :) Makes for very few accidents!


The more you get your baby used to, the better it will be for him when he is older :)

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