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~rene is home!!!!


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I am a new momma and soo excited!!! Rene came home this afternoon, we learned he absolutely hates his travel cage, we thought my cousin would loose a finger!!! well anyway, we put him inside his new cage and after yelling at a strange toy o0o0o he grabbed the water dish out of my hand and drank and drank, it was a looong 20 minute ride LoL, he has been out twice since he has arrived, and he bit and made my boyfriend bleed, but this is very stressful for him so no hard feeling there;) On a lighter note, he was doing the wolf whistle at me and making kissy noises but I am leary on putting my mouth to him just yet. He is whistling, saying "hi" and "woof woof" and "WOW" he is also mimicing my quaker already!! playing with his new toys, he hangs beak first does the splits and then kicks the toys to make the bells ring LOL. I tried to snap some pictures but it was an instant puff and growl.. I apolgized and put the camera away!! (what a bad new mom I am!!) I just went and put him to bed 10 was his bed time at his old home, when my cousin's son would go to bed, I said goodnite Rene sweet dreams and he made kissy noises at me again :cool: More hopefully tommorow!!

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Welcome home Rene and to the start of a brand new life in your new forever home. Poor baby didn't like the travel cage but that is something you can work on in the future.


Don't feel too bad about the rocky start, he needs time to settle into his new home and feel comfortable so be patient and don't rush him.


I bet you will get some pictures soon for I can't wait to see some of him. I agree on backing off from trying to get kisses from him right now until you know him a little better.

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So can anyone tell me.. When do you come off of this new birdy high?? I'm wired LoL every little noise I hear coming from upstairs my heart races he makes me sooo happy.... already

I am 100% behind you Judy I enjoy my lip un-pierced and intend to keep it that way ;)

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Good Morning everyone :) Thought I would give a quick update on Rene, He slept sound through the night (even though I didn't) I woke at the crack of dawn to peek in on him lol and he was sleeping soundly, he is awake now and munching, and talking he keeps says c'mhere and making kissie noises, and I thought I heard a hello, but not sure, I'm getting ready to wake my niece up so I can go change papers and water etc. LoL I'm glad she stayed in that room last night or all the birds would of been woke up WAY TO EARLY LOL,

P.s I am going to try to sneak a video today my camcorder is smaller then my camera so maybe just maybe I can get some video instead.. we will see

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So can anyone tell me.. When do you come off of this new birdy high?? I'm wired LoL every little noise I hear coming from upstairs my heart races he makes me sooo happy.... already


Ha Ha! Doesn't take long - like when the little so and so chews your door frame, your finger, your clothing....! Nah, in all seriousness, Harvey is now 16 months old, and I still don't call in anywhere else on the way home in a quick effort to get back to him! I can't ever think I'll get bored with him. He gets on my nerves, like hell at times, but you can't help love them!


Rene is beautiful - good luck - you'll have a great time!!!

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I have had my grey since she was 4 months old. She is now 20 months old and she is with my from the time I get up until bedtime for her (7pm). She has full run of the house and is only in her cage if I have to leave the house or need her "out of the way." She goes in and out of her cage as she wants. I haven't gotten tired of her yet, perhaps in another 50 years!!!!


Edited by luvparrots
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So can anyone tell me.. When do you come off of this new birdy high?? I'm wired LoL every little noise I hear coming from upstairs my heart races he makes me sooo happy.... already

I am 100% behind you Judy I enjoy my lip un-pierced and intend to keep it that way ;)


LOL....I don't know if it happens. Issac has become like a friend to me and I really look forward to coming home to him all the time. It's like I forget enough about him while I am away to make coming home a wonderful treat. It is a constant discovery for you, finding out just what an amazing little pet you have. ;)

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