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African Grey BABIES!!!!


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So lately we discovered there is a couple breeding greys locally. We met them today and turns out they just had a clutch and have got some babies. now David knows I can't see babies of any sort and not want one, so when he said to this couple today that he would like to come and see the babies, my head went WWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

I contained myself until we got back to the car and asked him "so are we getting a baby bird" and he said, quite matter of factly, "no I just though it would be nice to go and see them"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HELLLOOOOOO!!! Do you not KNOW me?????!!!!!!

To be honest, I'm still stunned! How he can possibly think I could go and meet a baby grey and not buy them all, I just don't know!!


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Hold it, just to be clear, I'm fairly certain there won't be a baby grey heading this way anytime soon - I couldn't bring any baby anythings into the family unless we all wanted them. Plus, we will be moving house, not sure when, but it's on the cards, so def no babies before then! I was just gobsmacked that he wanted to take me to look at something I can't have!!!

Dave, I've no idea how you do it! I bred horses for a little while and after I sold the first two, I kept the rest and gave one to family - just to keep her close!!!

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Lyn - I saw one in my local pet shop for the first time on Saturday - I have never seen them in a shop before. She was beautiful. She loved me. I held her, cuddled her and kissed her. I was told no too!!! Now, I can't get the little thing out of my head!


Note to David: SWINE!

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Ohh my...I had a similar experience this weekend. I went to a place called Bird Haven close to where I live. And in one area, they had three baby greys at about 7 weeks old. Ohhh myyy gaahhhhhhd they are so cute. The way they just bearly hold their cute little heads up to look around in such innocent curiosity is just too much to bear. I wanted to pick em up and cuddle them so much. It makes you want to take em all home. They were at that age where their heads are still a bit round and big for their body size.....and the little short red tails....ohhh gaaawwwwd. they are the cutest bird babies for sure.


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I would rather not see them.


That's exactly how I feel Adina - how could anyone possibly pick up a baby grey and not fall for it instantly?

And Jill!!! How on earth did you manage to leave that baby girl in that petshop?! You're made of stronger stuff than I!!

Lol Dan - been there done that!! Would you believe it's harder for me to look at birdies I can't have?! Handing back a 2ct blue diamond would be easier to me than handing back a baby grey!!

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I agree, There is no way...If my hubby asked if I wanted to go look at baby birds....It would be all over, I would be like, "UHHHH, What did you want me to think! We are so getting one now!" And then when he would say NO (which of course he would) I would just cry and ask him why he did something so cruel! lol

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I don't go into pet stores that have live animals because it's too hard on the heart. Birds, cats, dogs, bunnies, hamsters, all of them call to me. Even fish, if I walk into an aquarium store, that little voice starts in. Parrotdise Perch here in Ontario is safe for me to go into because they don't allow live animals in the store. Beyond that, on-line shopping is really my best friend.

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