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I think someone has stolen Harvey!


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It's been a funny old 10 days. I had this parrot who bit for fun! He wouldn't move from positions he didn't want to without biting, wouldn't go in his cage without biting, wouldn't do anything without biting, but all of a sudden I come home and find that this monster has been replaced with a really sweet, loving African Grey Parrot!


It is scary how lovely he is being ALL OF THE TIME - he's turned into the biggest cuddle muffin EVER! I'm sitting here typing and he is sitting on my shoulder, just resting his beak on my cheek! It is so bizarre!!


So, we have had cuddles, kisses, TALKING (oh yes, he isn't mute after all), animal noises (ducks and pigs on command) AND THE AVIATOR! All in the space of 10 days so:


Message to the Robbers: Keep the one you stole - I'm quite happy with this one :P


Oh, and also - he's even letting my husband stroke him!!!!

Edited by JillyBeanz
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Greetings, Spock here....Good job Harvey....Glad to see the mind-meld worked across the pond. Just remember to give them a little beak every now and then to remind them how sweet you could be...


Live Long and Prosper

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LOL...I was so afraid when I first read the title. That is too funny how Harvey has taken a turn for the soft side. I so love it when Issac is in a cuddly mood. If I want to induce this behavior, I will lay next to him with my head on a pillow, and the little requests for head scratches keep coming in. I love it when he plants his head right next to my forehead. Again...amazing little characters.

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Yay for Harvey! It is your angst over your holiday that he is feeling. Perhaps the relief you're feeling about the volcano thwarting your plans is being picked up by Harvey.


I am a little jealous, now that the Olympics are over in Vancouver, I have nothing to blame for my actions, I wish we had an erruption, just not close enough to actually impact my life. Hmmm..... I'll use yours. I can't go to work today, the ash from the volcano. Perfect.


Paco is entering the biting phase... I hope Harvey keeps it up, it can give me some hope!

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It's a little unnerving! He's still as nice as pie! I'm not used to it! I know this sounds ridiculous, but the days are much longer now - it's 7pm and still nice and sunny - perhaps the added daytime is putting him in a better mood! I think I'm less grumpy too!!!

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