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Tonka worked at McDonalds...


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...in his past life.


I come home to day and instead of his usual "Hello", he blurts out "Is that for here or to go"... now where on Earth did he get that from? Now he won't stop saying it... It's gonna be a long night. He does this evrytime he gets a new word.

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Ha! Makena isn't talking yet, but we are very careful what we say around him! Like today when I broke a glass I managed to let out a very loud "uh oh"... Wasn't exactly what I wanted to say, but almost as satisfying!


I imagine they pick up things from the tv/radio? I find myself muting annoying commercials :)

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Well in my house if I broke a glass, uh oh would be one of the last things I would say, I'm sure you could guess what I would be saying, heh, heh.


Dan, you better turn the TV volume down so Dayo doesn't pick up all that language he will hear on it, because they can pick up the darnest things.:laugh:

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For some reason here in Hawaii it seems every commercial is some obnoxiousness little jingle... Apparently that is the only marketing campaign that is successful around here!


For example... This one is constantly on the radio...


Get a car

Get a truck

Get a SUV

Get a car

Get a Truck

Get a SUV

Get a car

Get a Truck

Get a SUV

At Jim Falk Motors of Maui....


Arggg.. if I hear that one more time!!! :pinch:<br><br>Post edited by: Makena, at: 2007/08/07 19:38

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