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Today out comes a Primary Grey Flight Feather


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So this morning Paco and I were working on his "Step Up" command when he noticed a dish on my coffee table that he loves to hate. Anyway, he started to flap his wings and out came a clipped grey primary flight feather. I don't know who was more shocked, him or I!?!


At 10 months, he is weighing in at an average of 460 kg (weighed after morning dump). Could he have a bit of a premature hormone surge causing things to happen a bit early. As I posted a few days ago, I found him playing with a red feather which I was able to distract him causing him to drop it and come play with me. Could we be flying before my estimated October? Or is he secretly pulling when I'm not looking? Hmmmmm.


I'd appreciate thoughts. I don't know whether to celebrate or be depressed on increased plucking! He has been really happy lately with my extra time, not in school.

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I think it is just a moult . Many are going through this at the moment.Keep a close watch but at this stage I would not worry too much. He may well be flying before October,it depends on how he moults.

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