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Spock, The Grey King!!!


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;) Greetings; Spock here....looking over Maggie's shoulder at some of the posts written by JulesgreyUk, Jilliebeanie and others from across the pond, I have decided that I want to be KING of the TERRIBLE TWOS....Go where no bird has gone before (until they catch me):P

I know how to talk back now...I will perch on the fridge and Jay sticks that big beak of his next to mine and say "gimme a kiss, gimme a kiss" and I answer him by talking in "Grey-nese" bobbing my head up and down and bopping him on his beak and he starts laughing...so I land on his head and bury my talons into his scalp so I can do a Vulcan Mind-Meld and I know it is successful because he yells "SPOCK! SPOCK!". Just think, the first Grey King! (Well, they all wear gray don't they?)

I have my flock ready and handy at my disposal...and if they don't support me I will just fly over and buzz them until they submit and squawk my name. The first order of the day will be pomegranates, buttons, bobby pins and lamp-posts complete with Spock music to dance by. I like the Hookey-Pookey and they can tuck bills in my Aviator harness...;)

The second order of business: No bed-time til I decide it's bed-time. It is very hard to keep fluttering away from my "parronts" and beaking them when they tag-team me and tell me they love me while trying to put me to bed. If they loved me, they would not try to catch me and put me to bed before I am ready...:mad:

We definitely have to do something about Tango, that BIG white bird...I think she thinks she is BIG BROTHER or something...she sits around and watches everything, I think she has a hidden camera and shows everything we do while our "parronts" are gone...how can I rule with her around? Besides, she has that big Yellow crown she puts on and takes off...what's up with that?:confused:


My subject, Salsa, needs shackles because she is a sneak-thief and takes everything she can and boy, can she run! Joey...I don't know...I am not sure he even listens to me...

Fine, we'll try it for a while and I will keep you all posted....:cool:

Spock (the Grey King)

Live Long and Prosper





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Oh Spock, I accept your leadership with open arms - if this means that Harvey settles down and accepts you as the Terrible Twos leader I am all for it! These kids are far too advanced! They've just turned 1 and are embracing the terrible twos!


And I must say - you are looking mighty fine in those photos! Lots of love, your loyal UK servants xxx

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How dare that big white bird put on her yellow crown, she is trying to assert herself into your kingdom. On the other hand, maybe she is looking to be your queen! But, you can bet your fuzzy little red posterior if she gets an inch she will try to become the ruler! Stand firm Spock. You are the king.

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Hi Spock,


It's me Emma. Wowee!! You are quite the wild handsome grey boy. None of that behaviour would fly in my home. My Mom is quite the structured one and she rules the roost.

The only thing that I insist on is that my meal be served WARM. Not cold or warmish. WARM or I fling it and watch gravity do its thing.

To my dismay, it's lights out at 8.10pm all year round no matter how NOT tired I am. I should definitely let her see what you have written so she knows how easy she has it with me. I just turned 2 years old last month…perhaps one of these days I will try my hand at being Empress of the Terrible twos. Bwahahahahahaha!!

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