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Attack Bird


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They say dinosaurs evolved into birds. I think my CAG, Toki, is evolving the other way. Sometimes she acts like a little Greylociraptor. She attacks some toys with great fury and scary growls. Is this common for Greys? I assume she is just playing. I hope she isn't really scared of these toys.


She is 15 weeks old. She has been home three weeks. Everything seems to be going great. She is trying to say her first word "Hello", but it comes out as Hihoe, sounds really cute.

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She is afraid and attacking the Toy as you suspected.


My 4 year old Grandson just walked into the room with his hair spiked up....Dayo Growled very LOUD and fluffed up with Beak open ready to attack if He came any closer. :ohmy:


We Combed his hair down, everything's fine now :laugh:


The only thing I can figure out, is it appear as a small human with their feathers flared up as if they are going to attack :woohoo:


Sounds like a very intelligent Girl!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/06 23:39

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Loofa, my Josey will attack her toys like that sometimes too, it is just the way they play, she gets real viscious with them and knocks them around to hear them bang against the side of the cage. Don't worry about it, it is normal.:P


Yes Dan, yours will probably do the same thing, and yes that reaction to your grandson is typical, they don't like anything out of the ordinary.:laugh: :laugh:

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Yeah, mine fight like that all the time. Upside down, growling like its the end of the world. They are playing, having fun.


Your hyper little Grey just has to get some energy out, and what a better way then to attack toys! Tonka says "Kill it, kill it, kill it" before jumping on a toy (my husband taught him that :laugh: )


I swear these birds of mine are upside as much as they are right side up. And the sounds they make are more remeniscent of some sort of prehistoric beast then a bird...<br><br>Post edited by: eve, at: 2007/08/07 01:36

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Ha, Makena does the same thing! I am glad to know it is perfectly normal. He gets so into it sometimes I worry he is going to hurt himself! Then 5 minutes later he gets bored with it and is all cuddly again... ahhh.. gotta love the AG's! :P

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Ha, Makena does the same thing! I am glad to know it is perfectly normal. He gets so into it sometimes I worry he is going to hurt himself! Then 5 minutes later he gets bored with it and is all cuddly again... ahhh.. gotta love the AG's! :P

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Guest briansmum

oh yes, theres nothing brian loves more the to swing from a toy upside down, flapping like mad and squaking as loud as he can. it stil scares me sometimes, but like mekena he gets bored after a while and comes for cuddles :P

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judygram wrote:

Yes Dan, yours will probably do the same thing, and yes that reaction to your grandson is typical, they don't like anything out of the ordinary.:laugh: :laugh:


Well, Dayo will be in a constant state of shock then...nothing is ordinary in the people, activities or stuff getting re-arranged in this house.


Dayo, is one of the most adaptable to change I observed in the 2 Clutches and the most adventurous.


He is not afraid of anything, except a 3 foot tall child with spiked Hair :woohoo: :pinch: :woohoo:

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Dan, do you still have the female or did you take it back to the breeder?


I'm glad you got a lucky one, adapable to changes if that is the way it is at your house. I'm sure you will be finding out new things every day you didn't know before you got a grey.


Keep the side splitters coming, I love them.{Feel-good-0002006E}

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Judy -


Yes, we took the Female back Sunday evening. It would not eat and had lost about 50 grams.


The only thing that Dayo screamed at more than the spiked Hair, was the vacuum cleaner.


I guess I will need to use Geoff's tactics and throw it in the Cage with Dayo until he gets over it...


{Emotions-0002007D}<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/07 14:33

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Aww, Dan, I am so sorry you had to take her back, I know you would have liked to have kept both, but her health is most important, and it was just not meant to be.:(


Josey does not like the vacuum cleaner either, she will scream when it gets too close to her, its about the only time she does react that that. Now on the other hand Sunny, my sun conure takes a bath when it is running, the sound makes her want to take a bath.:laugh:

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