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allowing your bird on your shoulder


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I hear different views about allowing your african grey on your shoulder. My sunconure sits on my shoulder all the time and loves it. Some people say the bird will dominate you. And some say they just love being closer to their human comapaion. Also how would you get him off your shoulder once you allow him to do so?

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My sun conure sits on my shoulder all the time too but she is no problem. I do allow my grey on my shoulder because she will come off when I ask her to and she behaves when there. She doesn't spend a lot of time there but some every day. If your bird is the kind to obey you when you ask about removing from the shoulder and when on the shoulder they leave your body parts alone then it is ok, otherwise you are best to leave them off shoulder.

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I let Brutus, my Grey, on my shoulder; but he is well "step up-step down" trained, and will get off when I want him to. My 8 month old Ring Neck is a different story. He/she (we don't know yet) is also hand tame, but is still nipping; and that little beak is needle sharp.

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Thank you for your advice she is only 5 months old so i should probably wait until she matures and understands a little more. But she sees my sun conure up there and she really tries to sneak up my arm. I feel bad because she just wants to do what the other bird is doing.

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Tobie rides on my shoulder and so far the only damage has been to an earring or two. I guess I'll just have to get bitten to learn my lesson. It is such a nice feeling to have him ride on my shoulder for walks and even around the house. He has learned to leave the earrings alone. If I forget to take them off he will flip them and say "Quit that". Then of course I take them off.

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I let Harvey on my shoulder, but I know him inside out and I know when not to let him (like when he's had his mad half hour and being doing laps of the house). You need to know your grey's body language implicitly to trust them to be in such a position. To be honest, he doesn't sit there long anyway and sharp gets bored!

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With my pionus parrot Sachi, I can have her on my shoulder, be absent minded and never need to worry about being bitten. She is very gentle with me.

With my african grey Emma, I do allow her on my shoulder but I must pay full attention and be very mindful. If Emma feels that I'm too distracted, she will not hesitate to use her beak on me.


Basically, it's important to KNOW your parrot and exercise caution if you choose to allow them on your shoulder. I would never let a parrot I didn't know well on top of my shoulder.

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