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I just found this forum as I was Googling some information about the Grey mating dance. I am fairly new to birds, and even newer to having a Grey. We have 2 other birds; a 6 year old White Eyed Conure, which was a rescue, from a very neglectful previous owner, and an 8 month old Indian Ring Neck we purchased from a breeder. We've had Brutus, our Congo, for about 6 weeks. He is 12 years old, and we adopted him from a previous owner whose life circumstances had changed, to the point where he became more of a chore than a priority. He has an extensive vocabulary, as well as a repertoire of sounds. He has quickly become quite attached to me (Hence the research about the mating dance). He is awesome!

We also have 5 dogs. 2 Black Labs, a Standard Poodle, a Shih Tzu, and a Cavalier King Charles. We are quite the "animal" people!

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Greetings, thank you for homing a older rescue grey,. This is the place, alot of us have rescues and older birds. Ask, and you'll be surprised how quick theses great people will respond with good solid answers...


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Thanks! I think I'll like it here. The young fellow who had owned Brutus since he was a baby got married a couple years ago, and had no room for Brutus in his apartment. So Brutus was left with the guy's elderly Grandmother. I surmise, just by some of the things Brutus says, that the lady was somewhat intollerant of him, climbing the curtains, etc. He says things like "Brutus is a BAD BOY!", or "BAD BRUTUS!" in the old lady's voice. It breaks my heart when he says that stuff. Since bringing him home, I am very careful to never scold him; and only give positive reinforcement. He seems not only happy, but grateful, to be here.

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Hi Esknomoe and Brutus - welcome to your both! Well done to you for taking in an older grey. Brutus will know the ropes and know exactly which strings to pull! He looks very happy and comfortable with you and is probably thanking his lucky stars you found him! I hope you enjoy it here x

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Hello Esknomoe and welcome to our family, it is so great to have you here and we look forward to hearing more about you and Brutus.


Its great that you could give this 12 year old grey a new forever home and you must be doing something right for he seems to have taken a liking to you.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Pictures are always welcome here, we love them.

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