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new member michelle and our grey called Sky


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Hello to everyone. like the title says im new to grey forums. i'll start from the begining... My mum and dad put a deposit on sky when she was still in her egg in 1994 she was hand reared and was a lovely little thing when she came home with my parents she was very out going bird checking out every thing in our house even giving our 2 ridgeback dogs a run for there money chasing them about the house. when our 2 dogs died when sky was about 1 year old we waited a year and mum and dad got a new dog that was not keen on sky at all he would try bite her so we couldnt have sky out att the same time as the dog so she was in her cage more and more after years past they got 2 more dogs none of them liked sky at all and she got scared of them and refused to come out full stop. sad but true i guess my mum and dad gave up on sky a bit and she became hand shy and not very friendly. mum and dad both started to work shift work and as us kids all left home the place was quiet and sky started to split her fethers so now she looks fluffy rather than fethery and sky became unhappy. mum and dad tried to spend more time with her and brought her more toys and foods to keep her busy but it hasnt made a difference. now in 2010 im 30 and got my own family and have a busy house so we asked if we could have sky and try and make her life a bit more fun for her. so we have had her about 1 month now we have been reading up on all the fruits and foods greys like so she has different foods. we have got her new toys and all sorts. we do have a dog ourselfs but we have a crate for him so every night we get sky out she can sort of fly (well dive bomb us ) she is starting to realy enjoy being out of her cage and seems alot better than she was at my parents home. she will get on our hands to come off her cage and sit on our knee but thats as much as she trusts us right now and were not being pushy with her either. i just hope she can learn to trust us and be happy again.

I looked online for info about greys (we didnt have internet when she was a baby) and saw grey forums and thought this would be a good place to join and get lots of helpfull advice. also mum and dad were spraying her with water but not offten and we found that sky loves the shower so she is loving that at the moment :)

sorry if my post was long and if i had spelling mistakes but that is skys story so far.

will up load pics soon.


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Hi and Welcome to our Family! I am very happy to hear that you have sky and she seems to be coming around and becoming happy once again! We have a lot of great members here with lots of experience. Please feel free to ask any questions, add comments, advice, anything you want. We have many rooms here with some great threads!

I look forward to seeing some pictures of sky when you can...we LOVE pics!! Again welcome and I look forward to hearing more from you. :)

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Hello Michelle an Sky, bless you for taking on this challenge, it sounds as if your on the right track, lots of attention at Sky's own pace seems to be working...Wait till you meet this great group of people.



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I looked online for info about greys (we didnt have internet when she was a baby) and saw grey forums and thought this would be a good place to join and get lots of helpful advice.


You've come to the right place! The internet is such a teaching tool - and I think each day how lucky I am that I have this lot at my fingertips! Well done for taking Sky in - at 16 she'll be quite set in her ways, but I am sure with your love and attention she will come around. It's not like you are a stranger to her.


You will find absolutely everything that you need to know here - but if you need to ask anything, ask away - no question is thought of as "stupid" or "silly" - we are all here to help and support each other! Welcome to you both - hope you like it here :)

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Hello Michelle and welcome to our family, you have certainly come to the right place for information and advice.


Thats wonderful that you were able to take Sky and give her a better life and since she has known you all her life it is easier for her. You are right to take it slow and easy with her, she will learn to trust you in her good time and pushing it will only backfire on you. Trust has to be earned and patience is your best virtue.


Do read thru the many threads for lots of useful advice and information, we have many knowledgeable members who are willing to help you in any way they can, all you have to do is ask.


We would love to see some pictures of Sky if you would share some with us.

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Hi Michelle, welcome to you and Sky. What a lovely thing for you to do for Sky. It's great to hear that she now has a new forever home where she will be able to fly free and enjoy being part of the family. I look forward to seeing some pictures and hearing more about sweet Sky! Welcome to the Grey family!

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