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Buying bird from another owner


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A lot of the members have done that very thing, and the best one to talk to about this is Loviechick, I believe all of her birds, including the greys are rehomed. Why don't you pm her and she can fill you in on her method. We already have some threads that have some of this type of information in them, if you want to skim over them and read what is already here.


Thanks for joining and welcome to the family, looking forward to hearing more about this Timneh grey.

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Yep Judy, all my birds are rehomes. I commend you on getting a rehome boswell!B) anyhow, here is what I would suggest:


1. Check out the environment its in right now. Dogs? Cats? Kids? If its around these things, and you don't have them, you will be fine. However if it is the opposite to where you have cats/dogs/kids lots of traffic and this bird is used to a more mellow home you might want to keep the bird in a low traffic area until it gets used to its new home.


2. Make a vet appointment for the day you're going to buy it or within 24 hours. I don't know if you have other birds, but at least you can have a fecal smear and blood drawn and at least get the poop results back that day, or at least my office does this. Also in my opinion, your bird is going to be so shaken up from the move, you might as well go to the vet and get it done and over with the day you get him/her.


3. Diet. Figure out what it eats, does and doesn't like. Find out what it LOVES. Let's say its favorite thing is avicakes, makes this your reward treat, something it only gets when doing a desired action, such as stepping up for you. Only use this one thing as a reward. Obviously they will have other treats you will give them, but you need one "special" treat. Also find out if the bird is on pellets and such, what treats it eats now, people foods etc. This will only help your vet and you to figure out just how healthy/unhealthy your bird is.


4. Contract, contract, contract!!! I can't say it enough, I have had so many people reneg when I just bought a bird without writing a contract, or called me and said when are you coming to pay the other half....um excuse me WHAT OTHER HALF?! That or I actually had someone scan it and add an extra digit to the price so it looked like I owed another $100 bucks, people can be quite cheeky, so watch out.


5. Speaking of price, how much do they want for it?! I'm not trying to get anyone to brow beat but any rehome is going to have issues. My Senegal chews everything wood in sight, including window sills. that is her issue LOL My Sun conure, screams if I am not giving her attention, not a big deal, fairly common, and so on and so on. So you should not by any circumstances pay full price for this TAG. Also is the cage a proper size? Are you going to need a new cage for him/her? This should also be considered in the price. Assuming the worst, the vet bill will be around $150 if you do a full blood panel, physical, fecal gram stain, and an organ function test, at least this is how much mine was. Then if you needed a new cage you're lookin at around $250 assuming you buy new. Then let's say they charge you $500 for the bird and the cage. You're lookin at $900 for all of it, not including any new toys & food you would need, so let's just say $1,000. You need to let the current owners know that obviously since this bird isn't a brand new baby and the cage isn't new that you shouldn't pay it. However it all comes down to how good of condition the cage is in, and the condition of the bird. My CAG I rescued last month I paid $600 for, and she is for the most part pretty tame, and other than having a bacterial infection she is healthy. Which I'm glad I took her to the vet, she looks stunning, you would never have been able to tell she was sick AT ALL. Her cage was very small, and the paint was chipped off the bottom and it was rusting. I repainted it, and it looks great and I gave it to my Conure, and its the perfect size for her.


6. Go on a few dates. If it's possible and this isn't a rescue thing, or like an emergency like they have allergies and the dust is killing them go visit with the TAG. you are going to be exposing this bird to new smells, sights, sounds, people, food, etc. The more familiar things in the environment, the better. Take treats with you and when you see it, let it know that you can be trusted by giving it treats and talking to it. I know it sounds silly but this will really make a HUGE difference in the transition, especially if the bird has trust issues.


7. Lastly, find out about its routine. What time does it wake up? Go to bed? Eat its meals? Does it sleep with a cover? Does it like baths? Likes/dislikes such as colors, prefer men over women, foods etc. The more you know about this bird, you more prepared you will be.


I think thats pretty much it, I know I probly missed some things and everyone else might add to this. Feel free to PM me with any other questions, I hope this helped!

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63592_1.jpg Thanks for the prompt and curtious reply. I'm sorry I didn't provide more details. I'm currently a proud owner of a Lilac Crowned Amazon. Beautiful, happy bird! He lives with my mother still, I think it would break her heart if I ever took it away from her (even though I saved up for a long time to buy him). I got him/her when he/she was 8 months old. Hatched and hand fed. So here's the breakdown of the fill in the blanks: I'm experienced with handling and caring for birds, their diet, and other needs. I am paying $400 for this bird, which includes the cage, however I have optioned not to accept the cage because i do not believe it is big enough for a grey. The cage I have is good size and has a playground on the top. I am picking the bird up on a Saturday and will have to go to work saturday night, so I will schedule a vet appointment for the following week. They are selling the bird for $400. It is approximately 10 years old. I have attached the only pictures I have of it.


Here's the ad:


I have an African Grey, approx. 10 yrs old. Talks, and mimics quite a bit. I'm not sure of the sex. Bird is tame. I am moving and must get rid of her/him. Comes with cage, but will need a new one.



Where do you suppose I get a contract for the sale of a bird and how should it be worded?


Post edited by: boswell2k1, at: 2007/08/06 21:19<br><br>Post edited by: boswell2k1, at: 2007/08/06 21:29



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Thanks, Loviechick, I knew I could count on you for giving some tips for Boswell2k1, it sure is nice to be able to turn to someone who knows the situation and get the help they need.


This is just another shining example of how a family helps each other out, karma to you Lovie.

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Yay I love Karma!!!! And I love answering questions and helping people out, I know that I've had to ask many questions myself, so I'm just returning the favor is all!


Wow, well Bos, I wouldn't accept the cage either due to the rust spots on it!!! It looks like it is in horrific condition, and the Grey doesn't look that much better, could be the picture though. If you can get the bird to a vet sooner I would do so. I know first hand how they can look remotely healthy and have an awful bacterial infection! It also looks really light for a TAG. It's got the horn colored beak, but looks like, could it possibly be a hybrid??


Anyhow if you can negotiate the price down even by $50, thats $50 you can put towards toys etc. That poor thing looks like it needs some differnt perches that aren't so straight, like manzanita and such!


Either way good luck and congrats!

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Oh and as far as a contract, dangit I will have to look and see if I have my old one...Here it is this is a basic graft of what I made up:


Adoption Contract for General, African Grey Parrot



I _______________________________ agree to adopt this African Grey Parrot from XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX for the sum of $600. Included in this fee is the Parrot, its cage and toys. Chelsea will pay an up front deposit of $50, along with making payments of at least $50 on or by the 10th, and the 25th of every month until the $600 is paid in full.


I ______________________________ am surrendering ownership of this African Grey Parrot to Chelsea XXXXXXXX. Although visually healthy, I do not guarantee the health of this bird, and am selling General “as is”. Any fees incurred involving Veterinary care, are solely up to Chelsea XXXXXXXXXX to be responsible for. In signing this contract I give Chelsea permission to take General home, with a deposit, on the condition that she abides by this contract.



Of course you can always adjust it for your situation, but that kinda gives you an idea of how to go about it!

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63592_2.jpg I'm not sure what you mean by "hybrid?" I know the bird looks a little rough, I'm anxious to see what living conditions it was kept under. I heard it talking over the phone, so I know it's not isolated from it's owner. I think without any drastic measures I could rehab this bird back to a very healthy state. I have thought about negotiating the price down some. Thanks for your input on the contract of sale.<br><br>Post edited by: boswell2k1, at: 2007/08/06 22:25


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something just looks wrong with that eye in both of the pictures that you have shown me, if it were me, I would find out when the last vet visit was for this bird. I would also use this in negotiation especially if its been over a year. What I mean by a hybrid is half TAG half CAG. I have met one, that looked just like that bird had the maroon tail, horn colored beak, but was light grey. The pics do look pretty rough, but I would ask if you could take it to the vet first before you buy it. You don't want to buy a bird that is terribly sick to the point of dying, when you could get it for much less and be able to put that money towards getting her medicated, rather than paying a ransom.

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Hi boswell2k1 and welcome to the family!


You have rec'd some outstanding information above that only real life experience can bring. Thanks and Karma to Loviechick for sharing her excellent knowledge!


Regarding the eyes, they really do look odd. I was hoping that maybe it was just a funky picture, but the eyes do not look normal in the 2 pictures posted. I would definitely arrange for a vet visit in any event and hope everything checks out well. :ohmy: Kudos to you for investigating and planning to rehome a bird. There are many many birds out there that desperately need homes. ;)

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Hi, I have to say that I agree with all the good tips from everyone, but this bird looks in terrible condition not to mention his cage. These people should be happy to GIVE you the bird! Sorry but where I come from, the animal rescue should have been informed of the state of this bird and cage. Sorry but that is really how I see it.

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Guest briansmum

you've had some excellent advice, thanks loviechick you really took care of our new friend :)


if it was me i wouldn't hand over and cash until i knew the state of the birds health. i admire what you're doing but as already mentioned, don't pay over the odds for a bird that is going to need lots of care

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This bird is in desperate need of a vet visit, and I would not purchase it without one, you have received some good advice here and I hope you can help this bird but I am not sure you should pay anything for it, it should be handled as a rescue. It looks in need of some TLC.

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If you can convince them to let you take it to the vet, or even they can go with you do it. You will regret getting a bird that is deathly sick, and contaminating the rest of the flock if something is wrong! and I would pay $400, I feel that fair IF and only IF that fee includes a vet visit!!

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I have a very different opinion than the others here. I think the bird is pretty in spite of it's appearance. He looks very unhappy, that could be fixed with a lot of TLC. I would not shy away from the bird because of a bacterial infection. Talon came to us with one at 9 weeks old, and we kept it in under control and it went completely away with the use of homeopathic methods, used under the direction and advice of our avian vet, and not the use of medications. It did take longer, as she had it for several months, but she looked as healthy as any other TAG here, her entire life.

I would pay $400 to take that bird away and rescue it from it's owners. With care, it will most likely become as healthy and sweet as possible. And in the event that something unthinkable happened, at least you have given that bird the best chance at life as possible.


I do agree the eyes look different, but it's still a sweet lovable bird. :)

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Talon, dont' get me wrong I'm not advising him NOT to get it, I want that poor baby to go to a good home! I just feel that he needs to get it to a vet ASAP. Mind you both my Greys were very sick when I got both of them. Red had an awful yeast infection, that I'm STILL trying to get rid of, not nearly as bad, just a little on the high range of normal and the vet wants it a bit lower. Zsa, my recent rescue has a bacterial so bad the vet gave her about another 3-5 years of life, and she is only 3 years old! She is still currently on meds, and her follow up appointment is in 10 days so I'm really hoping that she has taken a turn for the better!


Either way I hope boswell can get this baby into a much better place than it is now!! Kudos!

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We are totally in agreement Loviechick! I only want that bird to get as healthy quickly as possible.

I am so sorry to hear about Zsa. That is so sad. Is it a bacterial infection that she has? What kind of infection would give them a predicted life expectancy of 3-5 years? I pray that you get some really good news on you next appt. Please keep me posted on her condition. My thoughts and prayers are with you & Zsa.

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Well she was positive for gram negative bacteria in her stool. But her white blood cell count was up so high, and the doc thinks its cause she has had this for so long! Ya know what I will show you the pics, I'll start a new thread for how filthy the condition of the cage she was in. Basically how she got that sick was because she somehow was ingesting her own poop. Whether it be cause she was walking around on perches that had at least a half inch of crap on them, or cause when I saw her, her water smelled foul and had poop floating in the bottom!!! I'm sure she will be fine, the vet said I caught her in time. I just have to hope and pray that she didn't have this for so long that it damaged her organs!

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Wow! What horrible conditions to have her live in. It really angers me that people can be like that. I'm so happy you have her, and she is doing well. I hope that it clears up and all is well with her. She's a beautiful bird!:) :)

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Guest Lidia

I'm with Talon, I think the bird looks quite good, other than the eyes, which look decidely odd. There is either a problem with the photograph or a problem with the pupil of the eye.

Actually, despite the awful condition of the cage, the TAG looks not in bad health and very pretty. It seems to be a nice pale grey with a dark grey (rather than maroon) tail, unless that too is a product of the photograph.

It may well be that if there is nothing wrong with it (after it's been to the VET, and you MUST get it seen by the vet), that the cage is awful but it spends a lot of time outside the cage.

Anyway, loads of good advice in here, and the bird looks lovely and would probably do very well with you.

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A definite visit to a vet is first and foremost but those eyes tell something is not quite right about that bird. I would ask a lot of questions, and I am not saying not to get the bird, but I would want to know a lot before I would buy it. But I do agree it needs some TLC very badly and would possibly make a great companion.

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Thank you everyone for your support and advice. There is definately a lot of love for birds in this forum. Over the course of the week I have been asking a lot of questions, and requested more pictures and expressed my concern for the eye and health of this bird. The owner said she would send me more pictures, but has yet to be in contact with me for the last three days. If I purchase this bird it will be next weekend, and if I do not hear back from her soon I will call. I'm hoping she's busy and not avoiding these questions I have been asking her.


Thanks again, I'll keep you posted!

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Okay I'm late on reading this thread.I agree that it's a hybrid and not just a TAG.I wasn't happy with what I've seen either in the picture.Besides the eyes not looking right the feathers aren't in the best condition.It kind of looks like it's a plucker.The condition of the things in the cage I'm not thrilled with.Perches are not that expensive.And if the person isn't willing to get perches what else are they skimming

on?Perhaps food,vet care,etc.I agree it needs to be rescued but at what cost?You could end up with some serious vet bills if it turns out that it's not a bacterial infection.I've purchased/rescued some birds and their condition was so bad that one died within the

first month and the second within 3 months and they weren't even 1 years old.Thank God it was not contagious

but just a case of a bad breeder($1600 later).A lot of people do not take good care of their animals and in the

long run the animals suffer.If you know anything about birds they hide their illness until it's too late.$400

isn't that much if it means saving that bird but there

are risks involved.I hope you don't have any other birds

or if you do I hope you have somewhere to quarantine this bird.I wish you well.I hope it's just a case of a bad picture.

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